This book contains 28 powerful entity-summoning spells that are ideal for beginner and advanced magick/magic practitioners. This book also describes how to cast your circle of protection, bind the entity, release the entity, and cleanse the space. * Please note that this book does not provide an in-depth discussion of the elements involved. There’s a wealth of information available elsewhere to further and deepen your practice.
The Magick Circle Consecration Spell
Ascending with the power of both dark and light
I harness the powers of the night,
Against hostile forces now set a ward –
Let this magick circle be my guard
O [insert name of deity]
See my sacrifice.
Hear my plea.
Come and reveal thyself to me!
[Deity/Spirit’s Name] grant the request I bring now to thee.
I impel you, [deity], to grant this to me.
As I will, let it be! (3x)
Display of Common Invocation Stances and Poses6
Performing the Magick Circle Consecration Spell8
Spell For Centering11
The Magick Circle Consecration Spell12
A Spell For Opening the Summoning Circle15
A Spell for Sacrifice16
An Invocation to a Binding Union19
An Invocation for a Physical Manifestation20
A Spell for Binding23
A Spell for Self-Sacrifice24
A Pledge of Service27
A Pledge of Submission28
An Invocation For Guidance and Protection31
A Plea for Safety32
An Invocation for An Instruction35
A Plea for Guidance36
An Spell for Protection from Hostile Influences39
A Reflection and a Request40
An Spell For Success & Acceptance of Consequences42
An Spell for Success, Health, and Wealth45
An Spell for Power46
An Spell for Charisma49
An Spell for Strength50
An Spell for Terrifying Fierceness53
An Spell for Triumph Over One’s Adversaries54
An Spell For Rapture57
A Plea for Guidance58
A Powerful Reminder of Faithful Service61
Praises for Blessings62
Releasing the Deity/Spirit65