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Amaresh Chakrabarti is professor of Engineering Design at Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. He holds a BE in...
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Amaresh Chakrabarti is professor of Engineering Design at Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. He holds a BE in Mechanical Engineering from Univ. of Calcutta (now IIEST), India, an ME in Mechanical Design from IISc, and a Ph D in Engineering Design from University of Cambridge, UK. After Ph D, he led for ten years the Design Synthesis team at the EPSRC Centre for Excellence Engineering Design Centre at the University of Cambridge. His interests are in design synthesis and creativity, eco-design and sustainability, and product informatics. He has authored/edited 10 books, over 250 peer-reviewed articles, and has 6 patents granted/pending. He co-authored DRM, a methodology used widely as a framework for doing engineering design research. He is an Associate Editor, AI EDAM, Area Editor, Research in Engineering Design (Springer), Regional Editor, Journal for Remanufacturing (Springer), and Advisory Editor for 7 international journals including Journal of Engineering Design, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (Springer), and International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation. Professor Chakrabarti has been on the Advisory Board of Design Society, UK, where he is currently a member of the Board of Management, member of the CII National Committee on Design, India, and member of the Jury for India Design Mark, India Design Council. He founded IDea SLab – the first laboratory in India for research into design creativity, sustainability and innovation. He is Chair for International Conferences on Research into Design (ICo RD), 22nd CIRP Design Conference (CIRP Design 2012), 3rd International Conference on Design Creativity (3rd ICDC 2015), and vice-Chair for AI in Design (AID) and Design Computing and Cognition (DCC) Conferences. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineering Designers, the peer society under the UK Royal Charter in engineering design. Seven of his papers won top paperawards in various international conferences.