The remarkable lives of twelve sisters who changed the course of history.
Historians paint pictures of amazing men and women who influenced the world, but seldom do we hear about sister duos that forever altered the course of history. Whether fighting together—or against each other—these twelve women set armies to flight, guarded homelands from invasion, transformed countries and religious systems, and begat nations. From mythical Athena and Artemis, to the English thrones of Mary & Elizabeth Tudor, the influence these women left behind is taken for granted. Join us on an inspirational journey through time as we explore the extraordinary lives of Sisters Who Changed History.
*Athena & Artemis (Ancient Greek Mythology)
*Rachel & Leah (Ancient Palestine)
*Tru’ng Trac & Tru’ng Nhi (Vietnam)
*Mary & Anne Boleyn (England)
*Mary & Elizabeth Tudor (England)
*Angelina & Sarah Grimke (United States)
Table of Contents 1
Dedication 3
Chapter One Introduction 5
Chapter Two Athena and Artemis 7
Chapter Three Rachel and Leah 17
Chapter Four Tru’ng Trac and Tru’ng Nhi 37
Chapter Five Mary and Anne Boleyn 43
Chapter Six Mary and Elizabeth Tudor 63
Chapter Seven Sarah and Angelina Grimke 81
Chapter Eight Conclusion 103
Thank you for Reading 106
Further Reading 107
Other Books by Amber Schamel 109