This book is a timely report on current neurotechnology research. It presents a snapshot of the state of the art in the field, discusses current challenges and identifies new directions. The book includes a selection of extended and revised contributions presented at the 2nd International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics (NEUROTECHNIX 2014), held October 25-26 in Rome, Italy. The chapters are varied: some report on novel theoretical methods for studying neuronal connectivity or neural system behaviour; others report on advanced technologies developed for similar purposes; while further contributions concern new engineering methods and technological tools supporting medical diagnosis and neurorehabilitation. All in all, this book provides graduate students, researchers and practitioners dealing with different aspects of neurotechnologies with a unified view of the field, thus fostering new ideas and research collaborations among groups from different disciplines.
Virtual Enaction – A Platform for Systemic Neuroscience Simulation.- Visualization of a Virtual Caenorhabditis Elegans in Web GL.- Si Elegans – Computational Modelling of C. Elegans Nematode Nervous System Using FPGAs.- Modeling White-matter Fiber-orientation Uncertainty for Improved Probabilistic Tractography.- Serious Games for Assessment and Training in Post-stroke Robotic Upper-limb Telerehabilitation.- Exploring Neural Principles with Si Elegans, a Neuromimetic Representation of the Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans.- EEG and Eye-Tracking Integration for Ocular Artefact Correction.- Developing a Novel f MRI-Compatible Motion Tracking System for Haptic Motor Control Experiments.- Predicting Wrist Movement Trajectory from Ipsilesional ECo G in Chronic Stroke Patients.- Preliminary Study to Detect Gait Initiation Intention Through a BCI System.