Remarkable in its range, this collection gathers more than 70 poems from new poet Andrea Johnson. Johnsons work is grounded in the beauty of the physical world. Her themes included art, the natural world, the spiritual world, desire, family, life, the life between lovers, motherly devotion, and the power of the inherent language of love. Her ability to combine intimacy of address, intense sensual vividness, and a light tough guarantees her work to be immensely readable and widely admired.
Om författaren
Ms. Andrea Johnson is the author of a restored heart. Ms. Johnson is waiting for the doctors to revive her heart. But, Ms. Johnson has realized that the only person that can help her is our Lord and Savior. After my sin sick life with pain and suffering, I’ve reached out to my Almighty God for restoration and forgiveness. The first step of healing is confessing with my own mouth, having a little faith and forgiving everybody that’s hurt me during my journey. This book of poems will minister how a baby Christian still struggles but keeps God in her life. You will find out that most of my poems either you or someone you know have encountered some of the same pain, heartaches, family problems, love and passion. As women and men enjoys reading great poetry with sophistication and a touch of class, you will also be inspired to restore your heart before it’s to late. Now, that my heart is restored I’m ready to love. I had to take baby steps, but it was worth it. Now, I can love a man with my whole heart which has been revived, mended back together and restored to love! So, now I’ve earned my wings to love!