Written by John Arroyo, his wife, Angel Arroyo, and Peggy Corvin, a freedom minister holding a Master of Theology degree, Get Up! Get Up! Open Their Eyes supplements Attacked at Home: A Green Beret’s Survival Story of the Fort Hood Shooting. It uses John and Angel’s spiritual lessons as they navigated the labyrinth of hospital stays and medical recovery provided at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas.
Each lesson includes a personal application freedom guide designed to bring hope to the hopeless and healing to the wounded soul by breaking the chains of long-held strongholds crushing the spirits of so many people. John and Angel’s compassion for all people created a desire to tell about the miracles they experienced and to encourage others to see God at work in their lives too. Each lesson in Get Up! Get Up! brings new awareness of God’s desire to be a strong, ever-present help in the lives of all His children. Since John heard God speak to him in the middle of repeated gunshots and deadly chaos, he uses this supplemental book to encourage us all to hear Him wherever we are. Then we will Get Up and see what He is doing in and through us.
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Freedom minister, speaker, teacher, and family life trainer, Peggy passionately brings freedom to Christian believers through applied Scripture and the power of God’s Light. Her Master’s degree in theology from Kings University and a B.A. in education and early childhood specialties have equipped her to know how to break strongholds that form in the spiritual lives of Christians. She particularly loves helping other women find their silenced voices and tell of their journeys out of darkness into God’s light. Peggy lives near Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband Stan, their kids, and grandchildren.