Anita Jóri is a research associate at the Vilém Flusser Archive, Berlin University of the Arts (Universität der Künste Berlin, Ud K). She studied applied linguistics and history, and finished her Ph D thesis on “The Discourse Community of Electronic Dance Music” at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary in 2017. Her research interests include electronic dance music cultures, gender and diversity issues in EDM scenes, and applied linguistic methodologies. Jóri is also a chairperson of the German Association for Music Business and Music Culture Research (GMM).
Martin Lücke is a Professor of Music Management at the Macromedia University for Applied Science in Berlin. Since 2018 he has also been Associate Dean of the Berlin campus. Lücke studied musicology, modern history, and political science at the Ruhr University of Bochum. He finished his studies with a doctoral thesis on jazz in totalitarian systems, which was published in German in 2004. His current research interests include popular music, the music industry, and educational research. Lücke was a co-founder and chairman (2016–2018) of the German Association for Music Business and Music Culture Research (GMM). Currently he is publishing the Lexikon der Musikberufe at Laaber Verlag.
6 E-böcker av Anita Jóri
Anita Jóri & Martin Lücke: The New Age of Electronic Dance Music and Club Culture
This book offers a comprehensive overview of electronic dance music (EDM) and club culture. To do so, it interlinks a broad range of disciplines, revealing their (at times vastly) differing standpoin …
Michael Ahlers & Lorenz Grünewald-Schukalla: Musik & Empowerment
Der Band behandelt die Verbindung von Musik, Wirtschaft und Empowerment, verstanden als die Möglichkeit des Sichtbarwerdens marginalisierter oder relativ machtloser, subalterner Gruppen und allgemein …
Anita Jóri: The Discourse Community of Electronic Dance Music
Research on electronic dance music communities has been initiated by scholars in the fields of sociology, cultural studies, public health research and others. Linguistic aspects, however, are rarely …
Lorenz Grünewald-Schukalla & Anita Jóri: Musik & Marken
Spätestens seit den frühen Formationen einer auf Notendrucken basierenden Musikindustrie unterhalten musikferne Unternehmen Beziehungen zu Musik und ihren Akteur*innen. Damals wurden vornehmlich Kosm …
Anita Jóri & Guillaume Robin: Living at Night in Times of Pandemic
Club culture has become an ever-growing interdisciplinary research field in the social sciences. The contributors to this volume offer state of the art perspectives on night studies in France and Ger …
Lorenz Grünewald-Schukalla & Barbara Hornberger: Musik & Krisen
Die vergangenen Jahre waren für Musikkultur und Musikwirtschaft durch tiefe Krisen gekennzeichnet. Die Maßnahmen gegen die Covid-19 Pandemie griffen nicht nur tief in den Alltag der Mensc …