Theshipshears onthrough billowing seas Carried on tempest’s wings with ease A cry of joy goes up from fore and aft: “Our destination is within our grasp!” But the helmsman’s words are lost in the throng: “We’ve been sailing in circles all along.” Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach This book has been written as an aid to anyone in the print media industry, be they managers or customers, who is looking to steer their business into calmer waters in what are stormy times. New technologies offer tremendous opportunities for innovation and process improvement – but only if we understand the fundamental principles behind them. This is the goal of this book. To this end, we will be looking at how best to network the print media industry with its customers, production partners and suppliers. This networking process covers the production data that can be transferred entirely digitally as far as the press stage, i. e. the digital page to be printed (referred to below as the “technical work?ow”), but also the information, communication and interaction processes which take place before, during and after production, e. g. details of the print run or the planned delivery date (referred to below as the “business management work?ow”). Inter-company networking of the various market players using Internet technology is known as “e-business” in commercial and management circles. Customers Print media Suppliers companies Production partners Figure 1 Persons involved in a production process Preface V
Introduction.- New Products and Services.- Process Efficiency through Customer Integration.- Data Format Standards.- PDF/X-3.- JDF.- XML.- Process Efficiency through Self Service: Self-Directed Customers.- Online Calculation.- Placing Orders Online.- Remote Preflight.- Web Printing.- Order Tracking.- Archiving Orders and Offerings.- Stock Reporting Systems.- Online Ordering Systems.- Process Efficiency within Cooperations.- Customers as Co-Producers.- Changes and Releases.- Online Editing Systems.- Remote Proofing.- Electronic Business for Purchasers.- Online Market Places.- Order Management Systems.- Electronic Business for Printers.- Marketing and Distribution.- Procurement.- Conclusion.- Glossary.- Index.