Antonio Russo, MD, Ph DUniversity of Palermo, Department of Surgical, Oncological and Oral Sciences, Section of Medical Oncology, Palermo, Italy
Rafael Rosell, MD, Ph D Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Catalan Institute of Oncology, Director, Cancer Biology & Precision Medicine Program, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain
Christian Rolfo, MD, Ph DAntwerp University Hospital, Phase I – Early Clinical Trials Unit, Oncology Department and Multidisciplinary Oncology Center Antwerp, Edegem, Antwerpen, Belgium
15 E-böcker av Antonio Russo
Antonio Russo & Rafael Rosell: Targeted Therapies for Solid Tumors
This volume provides readers a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview about the range of applications of targeted therapies for solid tumors. The sections of the book have been structured to rev …
Antonio Russo & Stefano Iacobelli: Diagnostic, Prognostic and Therapeutic Value of Gene Signatures
Gene expression studies have revealed diagnostic profiles and upregulation of specific pathways in many solid tumors. The explosion of new information in gene expression profiling could potentially l …
Antonio Russo & Antonio Giordano: Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Patients
This text is designed to provide readers with a useful and comprehensive resource and state-of-the-art overview about the new, growing and fast-expanding field of “liquid biopsy” for the management o …
Antonio Russo & Giuseppina Novo: Cardiovascular Complications in Cancer Therapy
This proposed text is designed to provide a useful and comprehensive resource and state-of-the-art overview to readers about vascular damage potentially induced by antineoplastic drugs. T …
Vincenzo Bassi & Massimo Borghesi: Studium – religioni e letteratura: nuove intersezioni
Una sezione monografica di grande interesse, sullo stretto legame tra letterature e religioni, con interventi di importanti studiosi italiani e stranieri: Danilo Marino (Il Corano nella letteratura a …
Antonio Russo: Walter Kasper
Walter Kasper, uno dei più autorevoli teologi contemporanei, rappresenta una Chiesa che vuole essere solidale con <> (GS, n.1). Il suo cammino teologico sin dagli inizi, viene tracciato …
Antonio Russo: L’extraterrestre invertebrato
Il racconto si svolge in Italia. In una giornata di piena estate, il protagonista conosce Giulia, una sua vicina poco valutata fino ad allora. Dopo essere usciti insieme, un evento inaspettato sconvo …
Leo van den Berg & Antonio Russo: The Student City
Student communities are without doubt a strategic resource for urban development and students are the citizens and the high-skilled working class of tomorrow. They are seen as an ”invisible populati …
Leo van den Berg & Antonio Russo: The Student City
Student communities are without doubt a strategic resource for urban development and students are the citizens and the high-skilled working class of tomorrow. They are seen as an ”invisible populati …
Hans Küng & Antonio Russo: HANS KÜNG. Dal dialogo con K. Barth al dialogo con Th. S. Kuhn
Un ebook che prende in esame la figura e l’opera di Hans Küng, teologo, presbitero e saggista svizzero recentemente scomparso noto internazionalmente soprattutto per le sue posizioni in ca …
Lorena Incorvaia & Marc Peeters: Practical Medical Oncology Textbook
This textbook combines essential information on clinical cancer medicine with a guide to the latest advances in molecular oncology and tumor biology. Providing a systematic overview of all types of s …
Antonio Russo & Nicola Maurea: Cardio-Oncology
The development of immunotherapy in oncology field has revolutionized the prognosis of many types of cancer. The immune checkpoint inhibitors target receptors whose inhibition increases the activity …
Ettore Capoluongo & Antonio Galvano: Liquid Biopsy
Liquid Biopsy: New Challenges in the era of Immunotherapy and Precision Oncology aims to describe links between cancer, precision oncology, and liquid biopsy, focusing on their participation to immun …
Lorella Congiunti & Francesco Lo Piccolo: Ethics in Research
This book draws a connection between ethics and research across social sciences, philosophy, medical sciences and legal sciences, and demonstrates that any research activity needs to be conducted by …
José Antonio Gallo & Héctor Nardi: El director de coro
Descubre el Arte de la Dirección Coral con ’El Director de Coro: Manual para la Dirección de Coros Vocacionales’ La música coral ha sido una forma de expresión artística accesible y significativa a l …