The definitive reference on the anthropology of death and dying, expanded with new contributions covering everything from animal mourning to mortuary cannibalism
Few subjects stir the imagination more than the study of how people across cultures deal with death and dying. This expanded second edition of the internationally bestselling Death, Mourning, and Burial offers cross-cultural readings that span the period from dying to afterlife, considering approaches to this transition as a social process and exploring the great variations of cultural responses to death. Exploring new content including organ transplantation, institutionalized care for the dying, HIV-AIDs, animal mourning, and biotechnology, this text retains classic readings from the first edition, and is enhanced by sixteen new articles and two new sections which provide increased breadth and depth for readers.
Death, Mourning, and Burial, Second Edition is divided into eight parts reflecting the social trajectory of death: conceptualizations of death; death, dying, and care; grief and mourning; mortuary rituals; and remembrance and regeneration. Sections are introduced through foundational texts which provide the ideal introduction to this diverse field. It is essential reading for anyone concerned with issues of death and dying, as well as violence, terrorism, war, state terror, organ theft, and mortuary rituals.
* A thoroughly revised edition of this classic anthology featuring twenty-three new articles, two new sections, and three reformulated sections
* Updated to include current topics, including organ transplantation, institutionalized care for the dying, HIV-AIDs, animal mourning, and biotechnology
* Must reading for anyone concerned with issues of death and dying, as well as violence, terrorism, war, state terror, organ theft, and mortuary rituals
* Serves as a text for anthropology classes and provides a genuinely cross-cultural perspective to all those studying death and dying
Acknowledgments viii
Death and Anthropology: An Introduction 1
Antonius C. G. M. Robben
Part I Conceptualizations of Death 17
1 A Contribution to the Study of the Collective Representation of Death 19
Robert Hertz
2 The Rites of Passage 34
Arnold van Gennep
3 Symbolic Immortality 44
Robert Jay Lifton and Eric Olson
4 Remembering as Cultural Process 52
Elizabeth Hallam and Jenny Hockey
5 Massive Violent Death and Contested National Mourning in Post-Authoritarian Chile and Argentina: A Sociocultural Application of the Dual Process Model 64
Antonius C. G. M. Robben
Part II Death, Dying, and Care 77
6 Magic, Science and Religion 79
Bronislaw Malinowski
7 Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande 83
E. E. Evans-Pritchard
8 Living Cadavers and the Calculation of Death 90
Margaret Lock
9 All Eyes on Egypt: Islam and the Medical Use of Dead Bodies amidst Cairo’s Political Unrest 102
Sherine Hamdy
10 The Optimal Sacrifice: A Study of Voluntary Death among the Siberian Chukchi 115
Rane Willerslev
11 Love’s Labor Paid for: Gift and Commodity at the Threshold of Death 129
Ann Julienne Russ
Part III Grief and Mourning 149
12 The Andaman Islanders 151
A. R. Radcliffe-Brown
13 Grief and a Headhunter’s Rage 156
Renato Rosaldo
14 Death Without Weeping 167
Nancy Scheper-Hughes
15 Three Days for Weeping: Dreams, Emotions, and Death in the Peruvian Amazon 181
Glenn H. Shepard Jr.
16 The Expression of Grief in Monkeys, Apes, and Other Animals 202
Barbara J. King
Part IV Mortuary Rituals and Epidemics 209
17 Hunting the Ancestors: Death and Alliance in Wari’ Cannibalism 211
Beth A. Conklin
18 State Terror in the Netherworld: Disappearance and Reburial in Argentina 217
Antonius C. G. M. Robben
19 Mourning Becomes Eclectic: Death of Communal Practice in a Greek Cemetery 231
Diane O’Rourke
20 ’We Are Tired of Mourning!’ The Economy of Death and Bereavement in a Time of AIDS 250
Liv Haram
Part V Remembrance and Regeneration 263
21 Ancestors as Elders in Africa 265
Igor Kopytoff
22 The Life, Death, and Rebirth of a Mapuche Shaman: Remembering, Disremembering, and the Willful Transformation of Memory 276
Ana Mariella Bacigalupo
23 The Ghosts of War and the Spirit of Cosmopolitanism 293
Heonik Kwon
24 The Intimacy of Defeat: Exhumations in Contemporary Spain 306
Francisco Ferrandiz
Index 319
Om författaren
ANTONIUS C.G.M. ROBBEN, Ph D, is Professor of Anthropology at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, and past President of the Netherlands Society of Anthropology. His authored books include Political Violence and Trauma in Argentina (2005), which won the 2006 Textor Prize from the American Anthropological Association, and his edited work includes Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader, Second Edition (Wiley Blackwell,
2012) and the forthcoming A Companion to the Anthropology of Death (Wiley Blackwell, 2018).