The first journalism textbook for reporters who cover finance and economics in developing and transitional countries, Covering Globalization is an essential guide to the pressing topics of our times. Written by economists from the Asian Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund as well as journalists who have worked for Dow Jones, the Financial Times, the New York Times, Fortune, and Reuters—and with an introduction by Nobel Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz—this invaluable resource helps reporters write about subjects such as banking and banking crises, pension reform, privatization, trade agreements, central banks, the World Bank, sovereign debt restructuring, commodity markets, corporate governance, poverty-eradication programs, and the ’resource curse.’
Each chapter explains the basic economic principles and current thinking on a given topic and provides
tips on what to look for when covering specific subjects;
a way to structure business and economics stories;
a way to use the Internet for reporting with links to more information online;
extensive glossaries and much more.
1. The Importance of Critical Thinking, by Joseph E. Stiglitz and Anya Schiffrin
Part 1. Capital Markets
2. Capital Markets, by Catherine Mc Kinley
Sidebar: Pyramid Schemes, by Tyler Maroney
3. Foreign Exchange Markets and Foreign Exchange Crises, by Sara Silver
4. Covering Central Banks, by Marjorie Olster
5. Capital Controls, by Anya Schiffrin
Sidebar: The IMF and Capital-Account Liberalization, by Nicholas Rosen
6. Dollarization, by Tyler Maroney
Sidebar: Ecuador and the Dollar, by Nicholas Rosen
7. Derivatives, by Randall Dodd
Sidebar: How Derivatives Markets Work, by Randall Dodd
8. Hedge Funds, by Amer Bisat
Part 2. Banking and Macroeconomics
9. Banking Crises: Causes and Solutions, by Anya Schiffrin
Sidebar: Indonesia-a banking crisis, by Gráinne Mc Carthy
10. Sovereign Debt Crises, by Suzanne Miller
11. Debt Relief and HIPC, by Gumisai Mutume
Sidebar: HIPC in Zambia, by Shantha Bloemen
12. Assessing Sovereign Risk, by Graciana del Castillo
13. Pension Reform, by Phillip Longman
Sidebar: Russian Pension Reform, by Sergei Blagov
Part 3. Corporate Reporting
14. Foreign Direct Investment, by Dan De Luca
Sidebar: Poland, by Dan Deluca
15. Privatization, by Deidre Sheehan
Sidebar: Breaking the Bank-Banking Privatization in the Czech Republic, by Peter S. Green
16. Corporate Governance, by Howard I. Golden
17. Labor, by Kristin Huckshorn
Sidebar: Nike and Vietnam-a Labor Case Study, by Kristin Huckshorn
Sidebar: Codes of Conduct and the Rise of Corporate Responsibility, by Mila Rosenthal
18. Accounting, by Jane M. Folpe and Herbert K. Folpe
19. Money Laundering, by David Marchant
Part 4. Trade and Commodities
20. International Trade, by Nicholas Rosen and Helen Campbell
Sidebar: Cambodia-an Attempt to Improve Working Conditions, by Sheridan Prasso
21. Commodities Markets, by Vincent Nwanma
22. Oil and Development, by Petter Norre
Sidebar: Rent and Profit, by David Nissen
23. Poverty Reduction, by Isabel Ortiz
Part 5. Reporting and Writing
24. Covering the World Bank, by Abid Aslam
25. Internet Reporting, by Jane M. Folpe
26. Writing Tips, by Graham Watts
List of Contributors
Om författaren
Anya Schiffrin is codirector of the media program at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. She was the editor in chief of the Istanbul-based daily the Turkish Times, a stringer for Reuters in Barcelona, senior financial writer at the Industry Standard in New York and bureau chief for Dow Jones Newswires in Amsterdam and Hanoi. Amer Bisat is a hedge fund manager focusing on emerging-markets bonds and was previously a portfolio manager at UBS and Morgan Stanley and chief emerging-markets economist at Salomon Brothers in Europe. He has also been a senior economist at the IMF, where he worked on the economics of Russia, Egypt, and Cameroon, and he has published widely on growth, the financial sector, and Middle East economics.