From 2008 to 2014, Prof Dr Fangerau was professor of “History, Philosophy and Ethics of medicine” and founding Director of the Institute of the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, Ulm University. Between 2014 and 2015, Prof Dr Fangerau held a professorship for “History and Ethics of Medicine”, University of Cologne, while acting as director of the Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine at the same institution. In 2016, he has been appointed Director of the Institute for the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, University of Düsseldorf. He has published more than a hundred articles in a variety of subjects related to the history and ethics of medicine, as well as two monographs. Additionally, he has co-edited 9 books, three of them with Springer (one handbook on research ethics with C. Lenk and G. Duttge, one book analysing the institutional and intellectual links between urologists in both the Federal Republic and the German Democratic Republic and one book on the history of the German Association of Child and Adolescence Psychiatry between 1940 and 1960). His main focus of research is the history of biomedicine in the late 19th and 20th centuries, the history and ethics of psychiatry and network analyses in the history of medicine.
Mr Görgen received his 2008 from the University of Augsburg, where he studied European cultural history. From 2009 to 2017 he has worked with Heiner Fangerau at the Institutes of the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine at Ulm University, University of Cologne and Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf. Since 2018, he is researching “horror-game-politics” and specifically bio-horror games at the HKB Bern University of the Arts. He has published extensively in the field of bioethics, biomedicine and popular culture, and possesses a strong background in discourse analysis, literary theory, and game studies. Besides medical tropes in pop culture, his research interests include science communication, media history of child abuse and child protection, the bioethics of posthumanism, e Health and others.
Dr German Alfonso Nunez Having recently received his Ph.D. from the Transnational Art, Identity and Nation Research Centre (Tr AIN) at the University of the Arts London, today Dr Nunez holds a São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) fellowship and is currently based at the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences (FFLCH) of the University of São Paulo (USP). A past committee member of the Computers and the History of Art Group (CHArt, London) and contributing writer for the Studio International journal (New York/London), his research is concerned with the historical development of artistic practices that intersect with technology and science. Apart from his scholarly research, he has been a practicing artist for the past ten years, presenting his artworks in more than 20 exhibitions worldwide. In 2011, alongside his art collective [+zero], he was nominated for the prestigious PIPA Contemporary Art award prize, in Brazil.
7 E-böcker av Arno Görgen
Arno Görgen & German Alfonso Nunez: Handbook of Popular Culture and Biomedicine
This handbook explores the ways biomedicine and pop culture interact while simultaneously introducing the reader with the tools and ideas behind this new field of enquiry. From comic books …
Arno Görgen & Stefan Heinrich Simond: Krankheit in Digitalen Spielen
Krankheit in digitalen Spielen hat viele Facetten – egal ob psychisch oder somatisch. Ihre Darstellung fußt dabei auf Prozessen, die gesellschaftliches Wissen zu Krankheiten aufgreifen und gemäß der …
Arno Görgen & Stefan Heinrich Simond: Krankheit in Digitalen Spielen
Krankheit in digitalen Spielen hat viele Facetten – egal ob psychisch oder somatisch. Ihre Darstellung fußt dabei auf Prozessen, die gesellschaftliches Wissen zu Krankheiten aufgreifen und gemäß der …
Arno Görgen & Rudolf Inderst: Wissenschaft und Technologie in digitalen Spielen
Technik, Forschung und Wissenschaft bilden Schlüsselbegriffe unserer Moderne. Sie bestimmen in unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen große Teile unseres alltäglichen Lebens und werden daher – bewusst wie un …
Arno Görgen & Tobias Unterhuber: Politiken des (digitalen) Spiels
Spiele sind durch Produktion, Distribution und Konsumption in politische Strukturen eingebunden. Sie spiegeln nicht nur ihre Umwelt wider, sondern werden auch maßgeblich durch diese geformt. Die Beit …
Arno Görgen & Tobias Unterhuber: Politiken des (digitalen) Spiels
Spiele sind durch Produktion, Distribution und Konsumption in politische Strukturen eingebunden. Sie spiegeln nicht nur ihre Umwelt wider, sondern werden auch maßgeblich durch diese geformt. Die Beit …
Arno Görgen & Tobias Eichinger: Superspreader – Popkultur und mediale Diskurse im Angesicht der Pandemie
Als die Covid-19-Pandemie im Frühjahr 2020 ausbrach, konnte die mediale Kommunikation an bereits vorhandenes Wissen, Narrative und ein Bilderreservoir anknüpfen, die aus der populärkulturellen Ausein …