With more than eighty chapters, this three-volume work – described by the current Director-General of the World Trade Organization as an ’outstanding contribution’ to understanding the world trading system – is by far the most comprehensive study yet undertaken of the WTO.
The core of the book is the section on the legal framework of the WTO, which contains detailed legal analyses of the GATT 1994 and each of the specialized WTO agreements, as well as a discussion of the institutional framework of the WTO. The book also includes a number of chapters on the WTO dispute resolution process – a critical part of the world trading system – and on the growing phenomenon of regional trade agreements. In addition, the book contains sections discussing important political aspects of the WTO, such as the relationship between trade and the environment, labor, and human rights. A section on economic issues includes chapters analyzing the economic aspects of such critical issues as anti-dumping, safeguards, trade and the environment, and trade and labor. A series of country reports considers the WTO from the perspective of individual members and would-be members, ranging from the United States and the European Union to Mongolia.
Background.- An Interpretative History of the Uruguay Round Negotiation.- The Politics of Trade Policy Development—The New Complexity.- The Democratic Roots of the World Trade Organization.- The Legal Framework of the World Trade Organization.- Institutional Framework.- GATT 1994.- The Agreement on Agriculture.- The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures.- The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.- The Agreement on Textiles and Clothing.- The Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures.- The Anti-Dumping Agreement.- The Agreement on Customs Valuation.- The Agreement on Preshipment Inspection.- The Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures.- The Agreement on Rules of Origin.- The Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.- Injury Determinations in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations.- The Agreement on Safeguards.- The General Agreement on Trade in Services.- Financial Services.- Telecommunications Services.- The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.- The Agreement on Government Procurement.- The Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft and other Issues Relating to Civil Aircraft in the GATT/WTO System.- Consultations.- The Panel Process.- The Appellate Body: Institutional and Procedural Aspects.- Implementation and Enforcement of Dispute Settlement Decisions.- A Re-Appraisal of Non-Violation Complaints Under the WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures.- Some Thoughts on the Appellate Body.- The Application of Non-WTO Rules of International Law in WTO Dispute Settlement.- The Intervention of Private Entities and States as “Friends of the Court” in WTO Dispute Settlement Proceedings.- The WTO Agreement in European Community Law: Status, Effect and Enforcement.- Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Countries.- The National Security Provision—GATT Article XXI.- Tariff Classification.- Economic, Political, and Regional Issues.- Economic Principles of International Trade.- Computational Analysis of Multilateral Trade Liberalization in the Uruguay Round and Doha Development Round.- Safeguards.- Anti-Dumping and Competition Law.- Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.- Agriculture.- Environmental Issues.- Labor Standards.- Services: The Case of Postal Versus Express Delivery Services.- Regulating Regional Trade Agreements—A Legal Analysis.- The Economies in Transition, The WTO and Regionalism.- Rules of Origin and Rules of Preference and the World Trade Organization: the Challenge to Global Trade Liberalization.- Services in Regional Trading Arrangements.- Rules for Foreign Direct Investment at the WTO: Building on Regional Trade Agreements.- Regional Trading Arrangements and Developing Countries.- LDCs in the Multilateral Trading System.- Textiles and Developing Countries.- The Trips Agreement and Developing Countries.- Trade-Related Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building.- Trade and Electronic Commerce.- Trade and Competition Policy.- Trade and the Environment.- Trade and Labor I.- Trade and Labor II.- Trade and Human Rights I.- Trade and Human Rights II.- Trade and Gender.- Trade and Culture.- Country Reports.- Argentina.- Canada.- China.- Colombia.- Egypt.- The European Union.- Indonesia.- Japan.- Korea.- Mexico.- Mongolia.- New Zealand.- Russia.- Singapore.- South Africa.- The United States.- Concluding Thoughts—The Way Forward.- Pursuing Global Free Trade: a Small Open Economy Perspective.- Global Integration: Currents and Counter-Currents.