Hope this book will help you as much as it has helped me.
My intention for writing this book is to help as many people as possible to spread the word of God, or your higher power, and how he works. Sometimes it might not be what we expect but he always has our best interest in mind.
Without faith, you have nothing. With faith you have everything! Remember your prayers are always heard and answered.
Pray and ask for help. Always keep your faith, stay positive and thankful to him and his helpers for everything!
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I was always close to my father. Despite him working sometimes long hours, he would always find time or an opportunity to bring me some place with him when he was doing an odd job for someone. He was always trying to teach me things about life or explain to me what he was doing and why. Also when he had free time, we would take a walk in the woods to see the nature, he would tell me the different birds that we saw and the sounds they made, or a tree and what kind it was, in what stage of growth it was in and the purpose for the tree.
One day he said to me he has a surprise to show me but wouldn’t tell me what it was. Being young I was really excited. When we arrived at his friends farm, that’s when he told me what had happened. His friend was mowing his hayfield and didn’t see a doe laying down and accidentally hurt him with the mower. Thankfully it wasn’t hurt bad, but he immediately stopped the tractor, picked up the doe and ran back to the farm, fixed his leg and was nursing him back to health. My father knowing how much I loved and cared for animals Aswana Angels 72 and never seeing a deer much less a doe, he thought it would be nice for me to see. I was sad that it had gotten hurt despite it being an accident but when I saw the doe, my eyes opened with amazement –YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW THIS DOE WAS HURT! He was standing there just looking at us as we entered the barn and came to his stall, munching on the grass as if that was such a normal every day occurrence and its where he should have been. I fell in love with him immediately. My father told me the following week, the doe was so healthy that his friend let it go but the doe always sticks around waiting for him to come into the field, like he was saying hello and then would scamper off into the woods.
I have always enjoyed helping people, whether it be just talking or otherwise. As I said before, I always loved and cared for animals. Somehow, people started showing up at my door, even strangers besides neighbors, asking me if I have seen their cat or dog, (they probably saw me feeding the strays that came to me or were sent to me by other means. I would say No if I hadn’t and then ask for the pet’s name and a description. I would also ask for their name and phone number. We agreed to exchange this information to keep each other informed.
I told them to give their pet 3 days to come home. Usually during that time frame, their pet showed up at my door and I called them to re unite them–it is always such a great feeling. Sometimes, but not often, they don’t show up by the 3rd afternoon so I just sit, clear my mind, and picture what the pet looks like and call their name. I tell them that they have to go home Surviving Anything with God by Your Side 73 because they are loved and missed very much and they should do it immediately.
The next morning, I always get a call from the pet’s owner telling me their pet showed up and then they thanked me. I would always say to them I’m glad I could help but you’re thanking the wrong person, you should be thanking God as he is the one who made it possible.
I have helped deer, raccoons, rabbits, squirrels, etc. and now it is being expanded by God to helping wildlife as I tell you in my next book coming out, called, “Amazing Wildlife-My True Life Experiences.”
I would appreciate any comments or questions you might have. Please write to me at Aswana.Angels@ yahoo.com.
Also if you are interested in a long distance healing from Fran, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will pass on your name, address, telephone number (best time to call, also with your email address, if possible) with a message to her and she will return your call.