He sent me before, to speak of the supernatural, of judgment, of the greatest revival any people will ever see or be invited into, and of persecution coming.
Prophecies and pleas; that’s where we are now. Is there more time? Yes, I believe so. Is it a long time? I won’t answer. Even Jesus was not told. I can tell you the angels show me windows closing and hold out pocket watches all the time. It is late. We are all not where we need to be, both many believers and people that just do not know Him yet.
I feel like a woman on the corner banging a drum. Things foretold from long ago, are coming to life, right now, in our lives. It’s being played out right before our eyes, yet so many do not seem to see it at all.
I challenge you who are unbelievers to just get alone sometime and ask into the air or under your breath, ’God are you real?’ If you sincerely want to know, everything in me has faith to believe He will show you.
I also speak to fellow believers: Ask Him where you are, and if you need a course correction, do it now. My written voice here is not angry. It is emphatic and driven by love.
God bless. Take heed and take it to God.
Om författaren
Austin Campo is the author of the "Take Heed" series of Christian prophecy books.