The international advanced research workshop funded by NATO and entitled “impact of pollutions on animal and animal products” was organized at Almaty (Kazakhstan) on 27–30 September 2007. Thirty-one scientists from 12 countries (Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, Romania and Morocco) presented conferences at this meeting to share their experience and results. The programme included three main aspects: (i) generality on the pollution situation in Central Asia and former Soviet Union republics, (ii) the pollution area and pollution origin in Central Asia and Western countries in relation with animal health, and (iii) the relationships between soil contamination, plant contamination and animal products status. The present workshop contributed highly to the exchange between scientists giving the opportunity for researchers from Central Asia to access to new scientific approaches and methodologies, and for European scientists to assess the extent of the environmental problems in this part of the world. No doubt that these exchanges were the main success of the workshop marked by very stimulating discussions. Such meeting was also the opportunity to put on the first stone of a scientific network focused on the subject of the workshop. The importance of pollution in Central Asia in general and in Kazakhstan in p- ticular is a well-known feature and several references are available on the source and localization of pollution problems in those countries. The references are also abundant on the impact of the environmental failures on human health.
Foreword, Opening Session: Generalities on the Role of Institutions in the Field of Pollution Assessment for Animal and human health (abstracts) The role of public organisations in realisation of Stockholm convention on POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) and other important processes of chemical safety; L. Astanina.- PART I. Characterization of the Environmental Failures in Relationship with Human and Animal Health. Study of Composition and Properties of Oil Pollution; Y. Ongarbayev and Z. Mansurov.- The Problem of Food-Products Safety in Kazakh Republic; L.I. Kalamkarova and O.V. Bagryantseva.- Analytical Measurement and levels of dioxins and PCBs in biological samples; J.F. Focant et al.- Expired and Prohibited Pesticides Problem in Ukraine; T. Gurzhiy.- Assessing the Hazards of Radiological and Environmental Factors for the Public Health in the Western Kazakhstan; U. Kenesariyev et al.-PART II. Relationships between Soil Contamination, Plant Contamination and Animal Products status. Organic Pollutants in animal products; C. Collins.- Dairy Livestock Exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants and Their Transfer to Milk – A review; S. Jurjanz et al.- Hydrotelluric and Industrial Fluorosis Survey in the Dromedary Camel in the South of Morocco; E. Diacono et al.- Copper, Zinc, Cadmium and Lead in Sheep Grazing in North Jordan; M. Al-Alawil et al.- Plant, Water and Milk Pollution in Kazakhstan; E. Diacono et al.- Heavy Metals and Trace Elements Content in Camel Milk and Shubat from Kazakhstan; A. Meldebekova et al.-Variation Factors of Some Minerals in Camel Milk; G. Konuspayeva et al.- Selenium and Poultry Products: Nutritional and Safety Implications; D. Cattaneo et al.- Effect of Excess Selenium on Dromedary Camel in the United Arab Emirates; R. Seboussi et al.- Contamination by Persistent Chemicals Pesticides in Livestock Production Systems; B. Ronchi and P.P. Danieli.- Assessing the Extent of Pollutant Accumulation in the Animal Foods and Blood of Individuals Inhabiting the Azgyr Test Base Area; U. Kenesariyev et al.- Uranium pollution of meat in Tien-Shan; R. Tuhvatshin et al.- Organochlorine Pollution of Mariculture Objects of the Crimea Coastal Area (Black Sea); I. Malakhova and V. Voronov.- Aflatoxin contamination risk: bioactive natural compounds for animal health and healthy food; D. Tedesco et al.- Impact of Some Microelements on Animal Health and Performances in Azerbaijan; E. Mammadov and I. Alverdiyev.-Synthesis and Recommendations; B. Faye.- List of speakers.-List of participants.