Nina Græger is Professor of International Relations and Head of Department at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Bertel Heurlin is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ole Wæver is Professor of International Relations at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Anders Wivel is Professor of International Relations at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
7 E-böcker av Bertel Heurlin
Bertel Heurlin & Sten Rynning: Missile Defence
The missile defence policy of the US plays a crucial role in international affairs and is normally studied from a US perspective. This book is different, it delivers a sharp analysis of regional and …
Bertel Heurlin & Sten Rynning: Missile Defence
The missile defence policy of the US plays a crucial role in international affairs and is normally studied from a US perspective. This book is different, it delivers a sharp analysis of regional and …
Bertel Heurlin & Sten Rynning: Missile Defence
The missile defence policy of the US plays a crucial role in international affairs and is normally studied from a US perspective. This book is different, it delivers a sharp analysis of regional and …
Kjeld Erik Broedsgaard & Bertel Heurlin: China”s Place in Global Geopolitics
This book investigates the major internal and external pressures and constraints facing China as it enters the new century. It is widely recognised that in its capacity as a nuclear power and as a me …
Kjeld Erik Broedsgaard & Bertel Heurlin: China”s Place in Global Geopolitics
This book investigates the major internal and external pressures and constraints facing China as it enters the new century. It is widely recognised that in its capacity as a nuclear power and as a me …
Bertel Heurlin: Germany in Europe in the Nineties
What will be the future of Germany? Will Germany remain a ’soft power’, pursuing a ’bind me, love me’-policy or will we see a new Germany signalling strength and power based on nationalism and German …
Nina Græger & Bertel Heurlin: Polarity in International Relations
This book brings together a group of leading scholars on international relations to develop and apply the concept of polarity on past and present international relations and discuss its applicability …