Learn to:
* Navigate federal grant databases and apply online forgrants
* Find the most current public and private sector grantopportunities
* Create strong statements of need
* Submit applications that meet funders’ expectations
Your comprehensive guide to finding and winning grantmonies
Grant writing can be quite daunting, but this complete guideprovides you with everything you need to get started with yourapplication right away! Use this resource, including new andupdated material, to move through the entire grant-writing processand apply for some of the billions of dollars available from publicand private sector sources.
* Grant writing 101 — get an easy-to-understandintroduction to the ins and outs of grants, including who fundsthem and how to receive them
* Know what funders want — discover the many grant-makingorganizations throughout the world and how to tailor your messageto what your prospects expect
* Tug on reviewers’ heartstrings — find out how totell your story so peer reviewers award your application themaximum number of points
* The write stuff — explore writing techniques to createpowerful, successful applications and proposals that convey yourneed for grant funding
Go online and find templates for request letters, executivesummaries, logic models, budget summary tables, and more
Open the book and find:
* How to connect with grant-making agencies
* What goes into a grant submission
* How to build a great funding plan
* An overview of the peer review process
* A helpful checklist to make sure all the pieces are inplace
* How to navigate federal grant websites
* Compelling words to use in applications
* Advice on requesting matching funds and other items
Introduction 1
Part I: Getting Started with Grant Writing 5
Chapter 1: Grant Writing 101 7
Chapter 2: Thinking Strategically to Improve Your Odds of Success 21
Chapter 3: Arming Yourself with the Knowledge of What Funders Want 33
Part II: Digging Up Grant Funding Opportunities 45
Chapter 4: Investigating the Government Options 47
Chapter 5: Exploring Grantsgov 59
Chapter 6: Researching Potential Private Sector Funders 73
Chapter 7: Finding Grant Monies for Individuals and Businesses87
Chapter 8: Seeking Funds for International Projects 95
Part III: Maximizing Your Chances of Scoring a Grant Award 101
Chapter 9: Assessing Federal Grant Opportunities for Your Agency103
Chapter 10: Peering into the Peer Review Process 117
Chapter 11: Selling Your Grant Application with Storytelling133
Part IV: Writing to Win 143
Chapter 12: Providing Supporting Documentation 145
Chapter 13: Documenting Your Organization’s History and Capabilities 161
Chapter 14: Building a Strong Statement of Need 173
Chapter 15: Presenting the Program Design Section: The Core of Your Application 183
Chapter 16: Managing the Management and Assets 205
Chapter 17: Connecting the Solutions to the Budget Request Line Items 217
Part V: Submitting Your Application and Navigating What Comes Next 239
Chapter 18: Checking the Checklist and the Content 241
Chapter 19: Taking the Necessary Steps after Applying 255
Chapter 20: Moving Forward after a Win or a Rejection 263
Chapter 21: Securing Matching Funds and Other Goodies from Corporations 273
Part VI: The Part of Tens 281
Chapter 22: Ten Reputation-Building Tricks 283
Chapter 23: Ten Ways to Prove You’re an Ethical Grant Writer 289
Chapter 24: Ten Ways to Secure Peer Review Opportunities 293
Index 299
Om författaren
Dr. Beverly A. Browning, MPA, DBA, is a grant writingcourse developer who has been consulting in the areas of grantwriting, contract bid responses, and organizational development for23 years. She has assisted clients throughout the United States inreceiving awards of more than $100 million.