A famous Chinese proverb is that “A cup that is full is useless.” This means that as entrepreneurs both young and old must always be learning to remain relevant and current. Our books are created to ensure that we capture the lifelong important lessons for business owners, young and old entrepreneurs. Biz Hib covers all aspects of business including cutting edge technology useful for business owners that will help to drive productivity and growth. Our books cover core concepts that are the corner stone of a healthy company. Grab a copy of a Biz Hub Book today!
15 E-böcker av Biz Hub
Biz Hub: Cashing in Your Money Knowledge | Role of Economics in Today’s Society | Social Studies Grade 4 | Children’s Earth Sciences Books
Economics plays a vital role in any nation around the world. The purpose of this book of social studies is to grow your child’s knowledge of economics, not to the point of solving money troubles (yet …
Biz Hub: Producers : The Drivers of the Economy | Production of Goods | Economics for Kids | 3rd Grade Social Studies | Children’s Government Books
In the context of the economy, the producers are those who create products that a country can export. The process of production is complex as some materials need to be imported. This book will not on …
Biz Hub: Economic Interdependence : How Countries Exchange Goods to Survive | Things Explained Book Grade 3 | Economics
It’s true that no man is an island. You can see that in economics. By reading this book, you will begin to understand how countries depend on each other for survival. For example, the US sources good …
Biz Hub: Things of Value : Natural Resources in the USA | Environmental Economics Grade 3 | Economics
There are natural resources within your state. Can you name them all? This book opens your eyes to see the natural bounty within your state. In addition, there is also a discussion on how people can …
Biz Hub: Earn, Save, & Spend Money | Earn Money Books | Economics for Kids | 3rd Grade Social Studies | Children’s Money & Saving Reference
It’s not enough that a child knows how to count money. It’s important that he/she also knows how to earn, save and spend money wisely. The purpose of this book is to expand your child’s knowledge on …
Biz Hub: The Role of Money | History and Use | Economics | Social Studies Fourth Grade Non Fiction Books | Children’s Money & Saving Reference
Your child would have been introduced to the concept of money as early as kindergarten. At fourth grade, your child will now learn the role of money in everyday living. This educational book also dis …
Biz Hub: Mind Your Own Business | Basics of Entrepreneurship | Economic System | Social Studies 5th Grade | Children’s Government Books
Let’s talk about entrepreneurship. No, this book will not just focus on the definition but more importantly, on the concept of entrepreneurship. Knowing the concept is the first step to successful ap …
Biz Hub: Should I Spend All The Money In My Piggy Bank? | Earn Money Books Grade 3 | Economics
By the end of this book, you should demonstrate understanding of the concept of money. Think of this as the first step towards a thorough understanding of economics. This book covers a brief history …
Biz Hub: Teamwork Really Works! : Understanding Employer-Employee Relationships | Money Matters for Kids Grade 3 | Economics
Although you are still third grade, you should still learn about being an employee or an employer means. This book discusses the responsibilities and duties of being a worker and a company owner. Und …
Biz Hub: Cotton Growing : A Major Economic Activity in the South | U.S. Economy in the mid-1800s Grade 5 | Economics
Cotton was a major economic activity in the South. Along with the growth of the cotton-growing industry was the emergence of exportation, plantations and human labor. Cotton should be handpicked that …
Biz Hub: Industry and Factories in the Northeast | American Economy and History | Social Studies 5th Grade | Children’s Government Books
Children need to learn about the past in order to better appreciate the present. In this social studies book, your fifth grade will learn to identify and even understand the role of industry and fact …
Biz Hub: Imports and Exports : The Ins and Outs of Economics Explained | Economic Development Grade 3 | Economics
Let’s talk about imports and exports, and how one differs from the other. This book on economics has been written specifically for third graders. Through this book, you will begin to understand how e …
Biz Hub: Major Industries in the US | Basic Economics Grade 6 | Economics
Do you know what the major industries are in your state? If not then this is the book to help you learn. If you do, then use this book to review. It is important to know your state’s major industries …
Biz Hub: Industry and Factories Replace Farming | U.S. Economy in the mid-1800s Grade 5 | Economics
Examine the shift of primary industries in the US in the mid-1800s. The early settlers were farmers but when factories and different industries mushroomed, the people’s lives changed dramatically. Yo …
Biz Hub: A Closer Look at the Law of Supply & Demand | Economic System Supply and Demand Book Grade 5 | Economics
In this book, you will read about the Law of Supply and Demand. You will slowly begin to understand why this law one of the cores of economic systems. Knowledge acquired here will help you to better …