As a retired surgeon ( I am living near Heidelberg with my wife enjoying free time for my first hobby: WRITING. Three children and nine grandchildren are waiting for new issues.
With FRITZ AND BALTHAZAR their adventure with tree spirits I intend to show for children aged 4-10 years that the earth does not belong to us alone. Most of animal life existed befor mankind showed up.
Many children nowadays growing up in cities gain far too less knowledge about biotop life.
I am very shure that your children will like the book (with 30 pictures).
There are more books – in German – you will find with AMAZON
Bodo Henningsen
4 E-böcker av Bodo Henningsen
Bodo Henningsen: Weit reicht die Seele
Jane verliert im Alter von acht Jahren ihre Eltern durch einen Autounfall. Ungewöhnlich bewusst erlebt sie die Phase bis zur Identifizierung der Brandopfer. Die Gedanken des befragenden Polizisten sc …
Bodo Henningsen: Fritz and Balthazar
Fritz, the little mouse, has found out a secret! The old oak which is housing his family will be cut down soon to make place for a new road. Alarmed, Fritz’s great-grandfather Balthazar visits tree-s …
Bodo Henningsen: Fritz und Balthasar
Fritz, der kleine Mäuserich, hört von den Menschen, dass die alte Eiche, unter der nicht nur seine Familie lebt, wegen einer Straßenbegradigung gefällt werden soll. Sein Urgroßvater Balthasar besucht …
Bodo Henningsen: Fritz and Balthazar
Fritz, the little mouse, has found out a secret! The old oak, which is housing his family, will be cut down soon to make place for a new road. Alarmed, Fritz’s great-grandfather Balthazar visits tree …