Brenda Davis lives with her husband of 24 years, Clifton (Hugh) in Cordova, TN. They live with their five dogs; two Doberman Pinchers, one shitzu and two poodle mixes. Brenda graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1975 with a Veterinary Medicine Degree. She practiced veterinary medicine in a mixed animal practice which she owned and operated for twenty five years in Hope, Arkansas. After selling the veterinary practice in 1997, Brenda was an Associate Veterinarian with Dr. Ricky Hughes in Malvern, Arkansas for 3 years. Brenda joined the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service as a Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian in 2000. She retired in 2012 at the age of 62. Brenda’s husband, Hugh, also retired from USDA FSIS as a Consumer Safety Officer. Hugh is a Viet Nam veteran having served in the Navy assigned to the marines as a corpsman. He received two purple hearts for being wounded during the war. Brenda and Hugh have a blended family with six children; four boys and two girls. They have, as of now, 16 grandchildren. Brenda and Hugh love to go camping and trout fishing on the White River at Bull Shoals, Arkansas. They travel a lot to visit their extended family and have the grandkids spent time with them in the summer. Brenda has to limit her activities due to having fibromyalgia, arthritis and back joint compression but is enjoying retirement with her husband. This is the first fiction novel that Brenda has written. If you would like to contact Brenda with questions her email is [email protected]
7 E-böcker av Brenda Davis
Brenda Davis: Shadows
Shadows are created when the light is blocked by an obstacle, producing areas of darkness. Shadows can represent dark places where people hide things they do not want to take responsibility for. Thin …
Brenda Davis & Vesanto Melina: Becoming Vegetarian, Revised
Straightforward guide to transitioning to a vegetarian lifestyle. Includes shopping lists and recipes, plus informative discussion on issues surrounding vegetarianism. …
Brenda Davis: Corruption
Corruption, generally defined as the abuse of entrusted power for private gains, has been the growing center of attention of many social scientists since the end of the cold war. Corruption can be se …
Brenda Davis & Vesanto Melina: La rivoluzione crudista
La più importante tendenza dietetica del 21°secolo!Il crudismo (raw food) è un rivoluzionario approccio alimentare che sta riscuotendo un successo sempre più ampio grazie ai suoi comprovati benefici …
Alexandra M. Columbus: Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 131
In Chapter One, Masayo Uji Ph D presents a study conducted with the goal of identifying characteristics of narcissism and its related issues which impair adults’ mental lives, in particular, focusing …
Brenda Davis & Reshma Shah: Nourish
An evidence-based, practical resource that explores the many benefits of a plant-based diet and provides parents with the tools they need to feed their families for health and with joy.Gold Award, 20 …
Brenda Davis: Loves Redemption
Nancy Blackwell and her daughter, Sarah, were starting a new life. One that would be free from all the bad memories of a failed marriage. Moving in with Nancy’s sister was the first chapter. But Sara …