Chapter 1: Strong brand strategies use the right tools: An overview of
the brand team’s toolkit ……………………………………………………………………………..5
Chapter 2: Strong brand strategies are about the customer: Using the
Customer-Centric Market Definition to frame your analysis. ………………………….17
Chapter 3: Strong brand strategies are decisive: Using Drucker’s Definition
to clarify your brand strategy…………………………………………………………………….27
Chapter 4: Strong brand strategies are tested: Using Brand Strategy
Diagnostics to test and improve your strategy…………………………………………….35
Chapter 5: Strong brand strategies are aligned to the market: Using
SWOT Alignment to guide your brand strategy……………………………………………49
Chapter 6: Strong brand strategies are based in reality: Using Reality
Filters to gain strategic objectivity………………………………………………………………65
Chapter 7: Strong brand strategies are focused: Using the Focus Matrix
to guide complex strategies………………………………………………………………………79
Chapter 8: Strong brand strategies are your own: Using Value Chain
Comparison to identify your firm’s distinctive strengths and weaknesses……….95
Chapter 9: Strong brand strategies overcome the competition:
Using Competitive Pressure Analysis to identify competitive threats
and opportunities…………………………………………………………………………………..105
Chapter 10: Strong brand strategies understand the customer: Using
Contextual Segmentation to identify opportunities and threats from
customer differences………………………………………………………………………………119
Chapter 11: Strong brand strategies compete in the future: Using
Emergent Properties Analysis to identify future opportunities and threats……..131
Chapter 12: Strong brand strategies anticipate the market: Using the
Product Category Life Cycle to predict customer and competitor behaviour…143
Chapter 13: Strong brand strategies are built on insight: Using the
Hypothesis Loop to see what your competitors don’t…………………………………153
Chapter 14: Strong brand strategies create value: Using the Concentric
Value Proposition to translate strategy into activities………………………………….165
Chapter 15: Strong brand strategies are measured: Using 3L Metrics to
improve brand strategy implementation……………………………………………………177
Chapter 16: Strong brand strategies are understood: Using the Wedge
Brand Plan Structure to communicate your brand strategy…………………………189
Appendix: Further reading……………………………………………………………………….197