A refreshing, insightful look into the political and economicdynamics driving globalization today
Globalization: it’s earlier than you think. That’s the provocativemessage of Against the Dead Hand, which traces the rise and fall ofthe century-long dream of central planning and top-down control andits impact on globalization-revealing the extent to which the ’deadhand’ of the old collectivist dream still shapes the contours oftoday’s world economy. Mixing historical narrative, thought-provoking arguments, and on-the-scene reporting andinterviews, Brink Lindsey shows how the economy has grown up amidstthe wreckage of the old regime-detailing how that wreckageconstrains the present and obscures the future. He conveys aclearer picture of globalization’s current state than the currentconventional wisdom, providing a framework for anticipating thefuture direction of the world economy.
1. The Weight of the Past ix
2. The Industrial Counterrevolution 1
3. Centralization versus Uncertainty 16
4. From World Economy to World War 38
5. Twilight of the Idols 61
6. The Dead Hand 86
7. Hollow Capitalism 119
8. The Rule of Lawlessness 137
9. Unpeaceful Coexistence 162
10. Recasting the Safety Net 189
11. Liberalization by Fits and Starts 215
Epilogue 271
Notes 275
References 303
Index 321
Om författaren
BRINK LINDSEY is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. He founded and serves as Director of the Center for Trade Policy Studies, a leading voice for free trade and open markets in the Washington trade policy debate. Lindsey’s Cato Institute studies have received national and international press attention, and his articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and many other publications. He is a contributing editor of Reason magazine. Lindsey has appeared on CNN, BBC, National Public Radio, and numerous other media outlets.