Foreword by Maggie Walter
1 Global Indigenous futures: a new research agenda – Madi Day, Tristan Kennedy and Bronwyn Carlson
2 Global perspectives on Indigen...
Foreword by Maggie Walter
1 Global Indigenous futures: a new research agenda – Madi Day, Tristan Kennedy and Bronwyn Carlson
2 Global perspectives on Indigeneity: Indigenous perspectives on global Indigeneity – Bronwyn Carlson
3 Translocal Indigenous communities: global Indigeneity and networks of political activism – Tristan Kennedy
4 Connecting back home: globalising conversations on Indigenous LGBTIQ+ peoples, migration and social media – Andrew Farrell
5 Oceanic intimacies: Ngurra, Tupuna and Wairua relationality – Lou Netana-Glover
6 ‘Whanau: an interconnected world’: re-examining Maori and Pasifika connections – Innez Haua and Dion Enari
7 Erasure, resilience, continuity: narratives of Sámi migration and contemporary culture in the USA – Ellen Marie Jensen and Tim Frandy
8 Weaving Indigenous relationalities for the Anthropocene: activating ground-up networks across Ngurras (Countries) – Jo Anne Rey
9 Social media and global networks of Indigeneity – Bronwyn Carlson
10 Indigiqueer futures: a conversation between Indigenous queer scholars – Percy Lezard, Madi Day and Sandy O’Sullivan
11 Bio-power, the governmentality of killing and Indigenous people’s resistance: imposition of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, extra-judicial execution and Indigenous women’s resistance in Manipur, northeast India – Binalakshmi Nepram
12 Queer multi-racial sovereign networks: conceptualising Indigenous and Asian multi-racial identities for understanding the world and futures – Souksavanh T. Keovorabouth
13 Transnational Indigenous feminisms: four narratives for global Indigeneity – Yi-Chun Tricia Lin, Bronwyn Carlson, Coro J-A Juanena, waaseyaa’sin Christine Sy and Alex Wilson