Carter Godwin Woodson (1875-1950) — Historiador, escritor e jornalista americano, é considerado o pai da história negra nos Estados Unidos, tendo iniciado a Semana da História Negra, que viria a se tornar o Mês da História Negra, comemorado todos os anos, em fevereiro, na América. Filho de escravos, trabalhou nas minas de carvão da West Virgínia antes de se graduar pela University of Chicago. Em 1912, tornou-se o segundo negro dos Estados Unidos a obter um ph.D. pela Harvard University. Durante a maior parte de sua carreira, lecionou na Howard University, historicamente dedicada à comunidade afro-americana de Washington, D.C.
Leandro Roque de Oliveira, ou Emicida, é um dos principais nomes do rap brasileiro neste século. Lançou sua primeira mixtape em 2009 e seu primeiro EP no ano seguinte. Em 2018, compôs e gravou a música ”Pantera Negra”, que entrou na trilha sonora do filme homônimo. Em 2020, recebeu o Grammy Latino pelo álbum Amar Elo. Em 2011 e 2012 foi premiado no MTV Video Music Brasil, e em 2015, ganhou o Prêmio Multishow de melhor clipe. Também levou o prêmio APCA de Música Popular em 2013 e 2015. Atuou como repórter na TV Cultura e na MTV.
Naia Veneranda Gomes da Silveira é tradutora literária e mestre em Estudos da Tradução pela USP. Com formação em jornalismo e história, tem especializações nas áreas de letras e comunicação. Desenvolve produção técnica em educação a distância para cursos de Letras. Também é palestrante e se dedica a projetos de literatura e escrita, além de ministrar e organizar cursos de comunicação digital.
16 E-böcker av Carter Godwin Woodson
Carter Godwin Woodson: Education of the Negro Prior to 1861
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The Spanish an …
Carter Godwin Woodson: African Myths and Folk Tales
How was the earth formed, and where did animals come from? Why does the hippopotamus live in water, and why do cats chase rats? Imaginative answers to these and other age-old questions can be found a …
Carter Godwin Woodson: Mis-Education of the Negro
In 1933, American historian and educator Carter Woodson (1875-1950) delivered a powerful and prophetic denouncement of "Euro-centric"school curricula that still rings true. Woodson inspired …
Carter Godwin Woodson: Century of Negro Migration
Provocative work by distinguished African-American scholar traces the migration north and westward of southern blacks, from the colonial era through the early 20th century. Documented with informatio …
Carter Godwin Woodson: The Mis-Education of the Negro
’The Mis-Education of the Negro’ is one of the most important books on education ever written. Carter G. Woodson shows us the weakness of Euro-centric based curriculums that fail to include African A …
Frederick Douglass & Booker T. Washington: African American Heritage Super Pack #1
The history of African Americans is a long, grim history full of injustices and brutality. But it is also filled with courage and perseverance. Gathered here in this omnibus edition are ten books tha …
Carter Godwin Woodson: The Mis-Education of the Negro
“When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do …
Carter Godwin Woodson: The Mis-Education of the Negro
The Mis-Education of the Negro is a book originally published in 1933 by Dr. Carter G. Woodson. The thesis of Dr. Woodson’s book is that African-Americans of his day were being culturally indoctrinat …
Carter Godwin Woodson: The Mis-Education of the Negro
“The Negro, whether in Africa or America, must be directed toward a serious examination of the fundamentals of education, religion, literature, and philosophy as they have been expounded to him. He m …
Carter Godwin Woodson: The Mis-Education of the Negro
The Mis-Education of the Negro is a book originally published in 1933 by Dr. Carter G. Woodson. The thesis of Dr. Woodson’s book is that blacks of his day were being culturally indoctrinated, rather …
Carter Godwin Woodson: A deseducação do negro – Com prefácio de Emicida
Um dos mais importantes livros sobre educação já escritos. Nesta obra, o historiador Carter Godwin Woodson aponta que os currículos escolares são baseados na cultura eurocêntrica, desprezando a histó …
Carter Godwin Woodson: The Mis-Education of the Negro
The Mis-Education of the Negro is a book originally published in 1933 by Dr. Carter G. Woodson. The son of former slaves, in 1912 Woodson earned his Ph.D. in history at Harvard University, the second …
Carter Godwin Woodson: The Relations of Negroes and Indians in Massachusetts (1920)
’Woodson’s major argument in this piece is that black and Indian intermarriage occurred to such a degree in Massachusetts, that Native communities there sho …
Carter Godwin Woodson: A Century of Negro Migration
The Great Migration , sometimes known as the Great Northward Migration or the Black Migration, was the movement of six million African Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban N …