E-bok StödE-bokFiktionBarnböckerResaGuideböckerHumanvetenskapSciencesSamhällsvetenskapSkola / studieFacklitteratur4 847 039 E-böcker i denna kategori Lisa A Willman: Art and Culture Not all clothes are only about making fashion statements. Some carry meanings and messages about art, culture, and what is important to people. Practice partitioning shapes during a tour around the w … EPUB Adobe DRM €28.19 Kris Coleman: Raise Your Resiliency It’s time to get REAL.Think back to the last time you experienced a setback in your life. Were you up to the challenge?Throughout our lives, we are confronted with unpredictable and unfortunate event … EPUB Adobe DRM €12.83 King Naib: CAN I BE THE MAN? "Can I be the MAN?" – A letter from US to You, is exactly what the title implies. It is a letter written on behalf of African American men in an attempt to put an end to the feud between ma … EPUB Adobe DRM €7.67 Sebastian Young: Clinical Genetics and Genomics Clinical genomics is the use of genome sequencing to inform patient diagnosis and care. It is a new and rapidly-changingfield. Knowledge of the human genome is far from complete, but there are alread … EPUB Adobe DRM €456.63 Gordon Burgess: Stenting the Urinary System In the field of medicine, a urinary stent is a tube that is inserted into the ureter to aid the flow of urine from the kidneys to thebladder. This is a common treatment for a variety of urinary probl … EPUB Adobe DRM €456.03 Anne Kerr: Heart Failure Mechanisms and Management Heart failure (HF), also known as chronic heart failure (CHF), is when the heart is unable to pump sufficiently to maintainblood flow to meet the body’s needs. Treatment depends on the severity and c … EPUB Adobe DRM €456.63 Amanda Wirth: America’s Favorite Mascot America’s Favorite Mascot chronicles the history of the U.S. Army mules at West Point. West Point has a rich history that has impacted United States History and the United States Military immensely. … EPUB Adobe DRM €12.87 David McPeak: Frontline Leadership – The Hurdle It’s hard to jump over a hurdle from a standing position. And leadership has its share of hurdles. Like a track athlete needs to focus on their run up, which includes preparation and training, to jum … EPUB Adobe DRM €10.27 Lawrence G Taylor: Strangers in Another Country London & Stockholm in the late 1960s, the characters face social, economic, and existential problems. … EPUB Adobe DRM €2.90 Kelly Michaels: Chasing Bad! As the author, I do not believe in disingenuous jacket blurbs, insincere product descriptions, or overly intrusive and embellished biographical information. I believe that less information given in a … EPUB Adobe DRM €7.70 Nästa sida >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Ändra användarspråk × ArabiskaTyskaEngelskaSpanskaFranskaHindiIndonesiskaItalienskaMalajiskaHolländskaPutsaPortugisiskaRumänskaRyskaSvenskaThailändskaTurkiskaUkrainskavietnamesKinesiska International Modal ×