Lyrics / Drama StödE-bokFiktionBerättande litteraturThrillerScience Fiction / FantasyAntologierLyrics / DramaPolyglot EditionsSerier / humor / squibPresentböcker, album, kalendrarLyricsDrama113 082 E-böcker i denna kategori Ian Hickey: Haunted Heaney Haunted Heaney: Spectres and the Poetry looks at the ghosts and spectres present within the poetry of the Nobel Prize winning poet Seamus Heaney. Covering Heaney’s work from his first collection, Dea … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.94 Ruth H. Webber: Hispanic Balladry Today First published in 1989. The ballad or romance, as it is commonly called, has played a vital role over the centuries in Hispanic culture as an orally transmitted narrative song. It is characteristica … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.40 Jim Hale: Facing East at Sunset Do you want to return to a time in your life when things were wonderful, filled with people you loved, with dreams that you had, when the world was simpler and the future glistened?And do you wonder … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.50 Susan Skinner: Light Behind the Shadows Light Behind the Shadows is a collection of poems that will touch most people who read them, for they deal with many aspects of life as we know it. Each poem is well-made and imaginative but not hard … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.46 oºoo¯o(c) o-o³U U…o-U…o¯ o’o*USo(c): o’UE oo(c) o-UUU’U… ooo*UA U…U o Uo GBPo-Uo U… o GBPo U’UZU U…ooo’US Uo U o*o Uou UUo U…UU UUS o Uo GBPUE oo UU UE Uo*o’o o’Uo Uo Uo o GBPo*UE o- o*oo Uo o-o U ooo U o UUE o Uo’ o Uo*oo UU UE Uoo’o o GBPouoo(R) … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.50 Megha Jain: Adulting Are you stuck under a pile of responsibilities? Are you uncomfortable with changed relationships? Have you recently realised that you are living in your mind too much? If you answered yes, welcome to … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.50 StealthWorks: Lincoln Lockdown Made Me Do It We are COVID veterans together.We have felt the suspension of plans and certainties, apprehension for our own health and for those dear to us, separation from family and friends.These poems came abou … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.52 Andrea Suarez Hill: Portrait to Paint The poems in A Portrait To Paint celebrate two journeys: the career in New York City that Andrea Suarez Hill had in print, broadcast and photo journalism until 1987; as well as the life she and her h … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.48 Sakineh Asadzadeh: Mustard Earring In Mustard Earring, emotions and logic intertwine as the book delves into the themes of personal values, inner struggles, anxieties, and unfortunate circumstances. While the narrative primarily takes … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.52 Sara Alblooshi: Profundity This book consists of poems of pure feelings. Some of them talk about the mindset we live in, and some of them talk about the struggles young adults face in our modernized world, whether it’s friends … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.50 Nästa sida >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Ändra användarspråk × ArabiskaTyskaEngelskaSpanskaFranskaHindiIndonesiskaItalienskaMalajiskaHolländskaPutsaPortugisiskaRumänskaRyskaSvenskaThailändskaTurkiskaUkrainskavietnamesKinesiska International Modal ×