före 1945 StödE-bokFiktionBerättande litteraturföre 1945efter 1945Historiska romaner, korta berättelsersagor, myter, legenderAntologierNovelistiska biografierBrev, dagböckerUppsatser, Feuilleton, litterär kritikAforismer42 598 E-böcker i denna kategori W.Baker Sir Samuel: Ismailia Ismailia (1874) can be considered an autobiography of Sir Samuel W. Baker as it describes the author’s expedition to Central Africa. An exceptional narrative of Sir Samuel W. Baker’s mission to stop … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 E.Phillips Oppenheim: People’s Man Maraton, a successful revolutionary Labour leader in Chicago, returns to his native England. Julia Trendheim and her brother, fervent Jewish socialists who had eagerly awaited his arrival, welcome hi … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.04 Baroness Orczy: Triumph Of The Scarlet Pimpernel The Scarlet Pimpernel series by Baroness Orczy includes the novel The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel. The story begins in Paris in April 1794, when Theresia Cabarrus is betrothed to Citizen Tallien … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Ellen Glasgow: Wheel Of Life Part II Illusion Part II of "The Wheel of Life" by Wilhelmine von Hillern continues the story introduced in the first part, delving deeper into the protagonist’s journey and the evolving dynamics of their w … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Honore de balzac: Cousin pons "Honore de Balzac Cousin Pons" is a riveting investigation of social and monetary issues in mid-nineteenth-century Parisian society. The work is part of Balzac’s massive series "La Com … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Thomas Hardy: DESPERATE REMEDIES "Desperate Remedies" is one of Thomas Hardy’s first works. The book belongs to the sensation novel genre, which gained popularity in the Victorian era and included dramatic and suspenseful … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Edward Bulwer-Lytton: DEVEREUX Book III Edward Bulwer-Lytton "Devereux: Book III " is a charming ancient novel that transports readers to 17th-century England’s political intrigue and romance. The narrative unit’s location agains … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Algernon Blackwood: Garden of Survival "The Garden of Survival" by means of Algernon Blackwood is a collection of supernatural and mystical memories that transport readers into the world of the unknown. Known for his mastery in … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS: FIGHTING MAN OF MARS "A Fighting Man of Mars" is a science fiction journey novel written by way of Edgar Rice Burroughs. It is a part of Burroughs’ Barsoom collection, additionally called the John Carter of Mar … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 Bertolt Brecht: Collected Short Stories of Bertolt Brecht Everyone knows that Bertolt Brecht was one of the great 20th-century innovators in theatre – the literary-theatrical equivalent of a Picasso or Stravinsky – and Germany”s greatest poet of the last c … EPUB Adobe DRM €27.79 Nästa sida >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Ändra användarspråk × ArabiskaTyskaEngelskaSpanskaFranskaHindiIndonesiskaItalienskaMalajiskaHolländskaPutsaPortugisiskaRumänskaRyskaSvenskaThailändskaTurkiskaUkrainskavietnamesKinesiska International Modal ×