Brev, dagböcker StödE-bokFiktionBerättande litteraturföre 1945efter 1945Historiska romaner, korta berättelsersagor, myter, legenderAntologierNovelistiska biografierBrev, dagböckerUppsatser, Feuilleton, litterär kritikAforismer6 057 E-böcker i denna kategori Blagoy Kiroff: Francois Boucher: 192 Master Drawings François Boucher was French Rococo painter, engraver, and designer, who best represent the frivolity and elegant showiness of French court at the 18th century. His career was hugely successful and he … EPUB Engelska €2.49 Maria Peitcheva: John Constable: 226 Plates This Art Book with Foreword by Maria Peitcheva contains 226 selected color plates of drawings and paintings from John Constable.John Constable was English painter, ranked with Turner as one of the gr … EPUB Engelska €1.99 Maria Tsaneva: Thomas Dewing: 70 Masterpieces Thomas Wilmer Dewing (1851 – 1938) was an American painter working at the turn of the 20th century. He was a founding member of the Ten American Painters and taught at the Art Students League of New … EPUB Engelska €1.49 Blagoy Kiroff: Camille Corot: 110 Master Drawings and Etchings Jean Baptiste Camille Corot was French painter and draftsman. Of the painters classed in the Barbizon school it is probable that Corot will live the longest, and will continue to occupy the highest p … EPUB Engelska €2.49 Arron Adams: Toulouse-Lautrec: His Palette Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec is best known as a chronicler of the nightlife of late 19th century Paris. He used to frequent the nightclubs and cafés of Montmartre, befriending the dancers and prostitute … EPUB Engelska €1.99 Maria Peitcheva: Petrov-Vodkin: 192 Colour Plates Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin, (1878 – 1939) was an important Russian and Soviet painter and writer. Petrov-Vodkin extensively used an aesthetic of Orthodox icon together with brighter colors and un … EPUB Engelska €2.99 Maria Peitcheva: Guido Reni: 185 Colour Plates Guido Reni (1575 – 1642) was an Italian painter of high-Baroque style and popular religious works and critically acclaimed mythological scenes. He was a quintessentially classical academic but he was … EPUB Engelska €1.99 Remy De Gourmont: Decadence When, more than ten years ago, I wrote the first article on Remy de Gourmont which, so far as I know, appeared in America—North America, bien entendu, for the author of La Culture des Idées and Le Ch … EPUB Engelska €2.99 Maria Peitcheva: Juan Gris: Drawings Colour Plates José Victoriano González-Pérez (1887 – 1927), better known as Juan Gris, was a Spanish painter and sculptor born in Madrid who lived and worked in France most of his life. Closely connected to the in … EPUB Engelska €0.99 Maria Peitcheva: Tissot: 248 Colour Plates Jacques Tissot was born to a middle class family. He initially studied art at Beaux-Arts in Paris. He decided to move to London in 1871. Here Tissot started to paint highly finished pictures of Londo … EPUB Engelska €1.99 Det finns fler e-böcker i denna kategori – förfina din sökning 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Ändra användarspråk × ArabiskaTyskaEngelskaSpanskaFranskaHindiIndonesiskaItalienskaMalajiskaHolländskaPutsaPortugisiskaRumänskaRyskaSvenskaThailändskaTurkiskaUkrainskavietnamesKinesiska International Modal ×