Brev, dagböcker StödE-bokFiktionBerättande litteraturföre 1945efter 1945Historiska romaner, korta berättelsersagor, myter, legenderAntologierNovelistiska biografierBrev, dagböckerUppsatser, Feuilleton, litterär kritikAforismer6 034 E-böcker i denna kategori Simone Morana Cyla: Unique Artworks 2012-2017 | Simone Morana Cyla Raccolta delle principali opere uniche realizzate dal 2012 al 2017 dall’artista italiano Simone Morana Cyla. … PDF Engelska €0.99 Simone Morana Cyla: Simone Morana Cyla | Catalogo Opere 2017 Il Catalogo delle opere 2017 dell’artista italiano Simone Morana Cyla. … PDF Engelska €0.99 Pier Luigi Capucci, Giorgio Cipolletta (eds.): The New and History art*science 2017/Leonardo 50 International conference was keen on the relationship between artistic and scientific disciplines and celebrated the 50th anniversary of Leonardo journal, published by MI … PDF Engelska €5.99 Maria Peitcheva: Auguste Rodin: 255 Plates Sketcher, painter, engraver, sculptor and collector, Auguste Rodin is recognized worldwide for the exceptional authenticity of his anatomical sculptures. He strongly influenced twentieth century scul … PDF Engelska €1.99 Oscar Wilde: The Critic as Artist 1891 The Critic as Artist is an essay by Oscar Wilde, containing the most extensive statements of his aesthetic philosophy. A dialogue in two parts, it is by far the longest one included in his collection … PDF Engelska €3.49 Oscar Wilde: The truth of masks (low cost). Limited edition In many of the somewhat violent attacks that have recently been made on that splendour of mounting which now characterises our Shakespearian revivals in England, it seems to have been tacitly assumed … PDF Engelska €1.99 Oscar Wilde: The decay of lie (low cost). Limited edition Wilde presents the essay in a Socratic dialogue, with the characters of Vivian and Cyril having a conversation throughout. The conversation, although playful and whimsical, promotes Wilde’s view of R … PDF Engelska €1.99 Oscar Wilde: Pen, pencil and poison It has constantly been made a subject of reproach against artists and men of letters that they are lacking in wholeness and completeness of nature. As a rule this must necessarily be so. That very co … PDF Engelska €3.49 Oscar Wilde: Intentions (low cost). Limited edition Intentions is the set of four basic and fundamental tests about criticism and aesthetics in art. It Contains: The decay of Lie Pen, Pencil and poison, The critic as artist, The truth about masks. … PDF Engelska €1.99 Oscar Wilde: The truth of masks 1891 n many of the somewhat violent attacks that have recently been made on that splendour of mounting which now characterises our Shakespearian revivals in England, it seems to have been tacitly assumed … PDF Engelska €4.49 Det finns fler e-böcker i denna kategori – förfina din sökning 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Ändra användarspråk × ArabiskaTyskaEngelskaSpanskaFranskaHindiIndonesiskaItalienskaMalajiskaHolländskaPutsaPortugisiskaRumänskaRyskaSvenskaThailändskaTurkiskaUkrainskavietnamesKinesiska International Modal ×