Classic StödE-bokHumanvetenskapSpråkLingvistikLitteraturTyskEngelskAnnan germanskRomanClassicAlaviskaAndra språk2 524 E-böcker i denna kategori Professor Robert L. Fowler: Pindar and the Sublime Pindar-the ”Theban eagle”, as Thomas Gray famously called him-has often been taken as the archetype of the sublime poet: soaring into the heavens on wings of language and inspired by visions of ete … PDF Adobe DRM €25.44 Gloria Bastos & Lenia Marques: Intercultural Crossings PDF Adobe DRM €33.18 Professor Katherine Lu Hsu: The Violent Hero This book uses the mythological hero Heracles as a lens for investigating the nature of heroic violence in Archaic and Classical Greek literature, from Homer through to Aristophanes. Heracles was fam … PDF Adobe DRM €34.58 Alan H. Sommerstein: Menander: Epitrepontes This book introduces readers who may have no previous knowledge of Menander”s comedies to Epitrepontes (The Arbitration), arguably the most exquisitely crafted of his better-preserved plays. It expl … PDF Adobe DRM €27.63 Wendy-Jayne McMahon: Dislocated Identities PDF Adobe DRM €51.21 Stavros Frangoulidis & Stephen J. Harrison: Roman Drama and its Contexts Roman plays have been well studied individually (even including fragmentary or spurious ones more recently). However, they have not always been placed into their ‘context’, though plays (just like it … PDF Adobe DRM €212.07 The Persian Alexander Alexander the Great (356-333 BC) was to capture the imagination of his contemporaries and future generations. His image abounds in various cultures and literatures – Eastern and Western – and spread … PDF Adobe DRM €137.82 Ian Ruffell: Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound Prometheus Bound is a play beloved of revolutionaries, romantics and rebels, with a fierce optimism tempered by an acute awareness of the compromises, dangers and obsessions of political action. This … PDF Adobe DRM €29.01 David (Independent Scholar, UK) Stuttard: Looking at Agamemnon Agamemnon is the first of the three plays within the Oresteia trilogy and is considered to be one of Aeschylus” greatest works. This collection of 12 essays, written by prominent international acade … PDF Adobe DRM €34.71 Dr Anita Nikkanen: Propertius, Tibullus and Ovid: A Selection of Love Poetry This is the OCR-endorsed publication from Bloomsbury for the Latin AS and A-Level (Group 3) prescription of Ovid”s Amores 1.1 and 2.5, Propertius 1.1 and Tibullus 1.1 with the A-Level (Group 4) pres … PDF Adobe DRM €21.99 Nästa sida >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Ändra användarspråk × ArabiskaTyskaEngelskaSpanskaFranskaHindiIndonesiskaItalienskaMalajiskaHolländskaPutsaPortugisiskaRumänskaRyskaSvenskaThailändskaTurkiskaUkrainskavietnamesKinesiska International Modal ×