20-talet fram till 1945 StödE-bokFacklitteraturHistoriaBiografier, självbiografierAllmänna referenserRegional historiaFöre och tidig historia, forntidaMedeltidenModerna tider till 191820-talet fram till 1945Historia från 1945Övrigt4 331 E-böcker i denna kategori Timothy Barney: Mapping the Cold War In this fascinating history of Cold War cartography, Timothy Barney considers maps as central to the articulation of ideological tensions between American national interests and international aspirat … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €20.99 Erik Mathisen: The Loyal Republic This is the story of how Americans attempted to define what it meant to be a citizen of the United States, at a moment of fracture in the republic’s history. As Erik Mathisen demonstrates, prior to t … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €20.99 Nancy N. Jordan: My Dear Wife Charles Holbrook Prentiss (1830-1924), my fathers great uncle by marriage, wrote many letters home while serving in the 19th Michigan Volunteer Infantry between 1862 and 1865. These letters came to m … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €4.49 Robert C. Black: The Railroads of the Confederacy Originally published by UNC Press in 1952, The Railroads of the Confederacy tells the story of the first use of railroads on a major scale in a major war. Robert Black presents a complex and fascinat … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €19.99 Jennifer Luff: Commonsense Anticommunism Between the Great War and Pearl Harbor, conservative labor leaders declared themselves America’s ’first line of defense’ against Communism. In this surprising account, Jennifer Luff shows how the Ame … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €25.99 Leslie A. Schwalm: Emancipation’s Diaspora Most studies of emancipation’s consequences have focused on the South. Moving the discussion to the North, Leslie Schwalm enriches our understanding of the national impact of the transition from slav … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €30.99 Michael T. Bernath: Confederate Minds During the Civil War, some Confederates sought to prove the distinctiveness of the southern people and to legitimate their desire for a separate national existence through the creation of a uniquely … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €25.99 Pete Daniel: Lost Revolutions This sweeping work of cultural history explores a time of startling turbulence and change in the South, years that have often been dismissed as placid and dull. In the wake of World War II, southerne … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €30.99 Jacqueline Singer: Prohibition on the Gold Coast of Long Island Boats were used to transport the liquor that came from outside the United States, predominately from Canada and the Bahamas. Long Island had irregular coastlines with an abundance of discrete inlets … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €4.49 Scott L. Matthews: Capturing the South In his expansive history of documentary work in the South during the twentieth century, Scott L. Matthews examines the motivations and methodologies of several pivotal documentarians, including socio … EPUB Engelska Adobe DRM €23.99 Nästa sida >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Ändra användarspråk × ArabiskaTyskaEngelskaSpanskaFranskaHindiIndonesiskaItalienskaMalajiskaHolländskaPutsaPortugisiskaRumänskaRyskaSvenskaThailändskaTurkiskaUkrainskavietnamesKinesiska International Modal ×