Religion allmänt StödE-bokFacklitteraturFilosofi / religionBiografier, självbiografierFilosofi – allmäntFilosofi – forntida till samtidaReligion allmäntKristen religionAndra religionerÖvrigt77 035 E-böcker i denna kategori Bidyut (University of Delhi, India) Chakrabarty & Bhuwan Jha: Hindu Nationalism in India This book offers an in-depth study of right-wing politics in India by analysing the shifting ideologies of Hindu nationalism and its evolution in the late nineteenth century through to twenty-first c … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.18 Dr. John P. (Villanova University, USA) Edwards: James Alison and a Girardian Theology Opening with a Foreword by James Alison, this volume is the first in-depth treatment of Alison”s theological method. John P. Edwards shows that Alison”s theological project outstrips René Girard”s … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.61 Freda Hussain: Muslim Women (RLE Women and Religion) The history of Islam and the changing role-performance of Muslim women, given the various interpretations of the belief system of Islam, are described. It is the contention of the authors that it is … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.37 Christopher Buck: Baha’i Faith: The Basics Bahá’í Faith: The Basics provides a thorough and accessible introduction to a fascinating, independent world religion. Examining its historical development, current “community-building” efforts and t … EPUB Adobe DRM €24.49 Robert Towler: The Need for Certainty Originally published in 1984, The Need for Certainty explores the different ways in which people can be religious within the conventional traditions of the main Christian denominations. Based on in-d … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.40 Rich Kao: Caring Deeply About Church Planting Never has the need for church planting been more acute or more necessary. The world around us is beset with problems of every kind—political, social, economic, racial, and moral. The list is endless, … EPUB Adobe DRM €29.59 Dr Mark Clavier: A Pilgrimage of Paradoxes Winner of the 2022 Nautilus Book Award in Religion / Spirituality of Western Thought (#24B) Mark Clavier examines a series of paradoxes that lie at the heart of Christian faith: eternity and time, si … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.47 Sateara Renee’ Page: Diary of a Once Broken Heart: A Guide to Freedom and Inner Healing EPUB Adobe DRM €6.90 Joan Keogh: Stations of the Soul Hand painted on canvas, this set of Stations resulted from the artist”s two great loves, the passion of Christ and art. These modern illustrations of the Stations of the Cross are open to personal i … EPUB Adobe DRM €3.84 The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to The Corinthians A figurehead of the early Christian church, Paul sets out some of his thoughts on strife and division, spirituality, the bond of marriage and hopes for his own immortality in this book. With an intro … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.27 Nästa sida >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Ändra användarspråk × ArabiskaTyskaEngelskaSpanskaFranskaHindiIndonesiskaItalienskaMalajiskaHolländskaPutsaPortugisiskaRumänskaRyskaSvenskaThailändskaTurkiskaUkrainskavietnamesKinesiska International Modal ×