Lag StödE-bokSamhällsvetenskapAllmäntSociologiPolitikMedia / KommunikationEtnologiLagEkonomiAllmänt, EncyklopedierCivilrätt, civil rättstvistAllmän rättStraffrätt, Straffrätt, KriminologiHandelsrätt, affärsrättSkatterArbetsrätt, social lagInternationell rättÖvrigt78 210 E-böcker i denna kategori Paul (Salzburg University, Austria) Weismann: European Agencies and Risk Governance in EU Financial Market Law The phenomenon of ‘agencification’ describes the EU legislator’s increasing establishment of European agencies to fulfil tasks in a variety of EU policies. The creation of these decentralised adminis … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.47 The Hon Sir The Hon Sir Michael Fordham: Judicial Review Handbook Foreword by Lord Woolf, the former Lord Chief Justice. The Judicial Review Handbook is one of the leading works in public law, an indispensable source of reference and a guide to the burgeoning case … EPUB Adobe DRM €150.10 Gregory Jones KC & Dr Eloise Scotford: The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive (Directive 2001/42/EC) (SEA Directive) has been a lurking legal presence in EU and UK environmental law. Now, just over a decade since its implementat … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.82 John Lombard: Law, Palliative Care and Dying Law, Palliative Care and Dying critically examines the role of the legal framework in shaping the boundaries of palliative care practice. The work underlines the importance of a distinct legal framew … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.58 Dr Stephen (University of Exeter) Skinner: Lethal Force, the Right to Life and the ECHR In its case law on the use of lethal and potentially lethal force, the European Court of Human Rights declares a fundamental connection between the right to life in Article 2 of the European Conventi … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.56 Bruce Wardhaugh: Competition, Effects and Predictability In the US and EU, legal analysis in competition cases is conducted on a case-by-case approach. This approach assesses each particular practice for both its legality and its welfare effects. While thi … EPUB Adobe DRM €104.46 Maryam Salehijam: Mediation and Commercial Contract Law There is an urgent need to better understand the legal issues pertaining to alternative dispute resolution (ADR), particularly in relation to mediation clauses. Despite the promotion of mediati … EPUB Adobe DRM €49.00 Joycelyn M. Pollock: Criminal Law Criminal Law, Twelfth Edition, a classic introduction to criminal law for criminal justice students, combines the best features of a casebook and a textbook. Its success over numerous editions, both … EPUB Adobe DRM €141.86 Ian Dennis: Law of Evidence The Law of Evidence provides a thorough analysis of the law of evidence, explaining the intricacies of the law of evidence in a clear and accessible style. The information is presented in a logical s … EPUB Adobe DRM €73.30 Professor Richard Goldberg: Medicinal Product Liability and Regulation The piecemeal developments in product liability reform in Europe have their origins in the tragic association of phocomelia in children with thalidomide in 1962. In many ways these events have contin … EPUB Adobe DRM €150.82 Nästa sida >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Ändra användarspråk × ArabiskaTyskaEngelskaSpanskaFranskaHindiIndonesiskaItalienskaMalajiskaHolländskaPutsaPortugisiskaRumänskaRyskaSvenskaThailändskaTurkiskaUkrainskavietnamesKinesiska International Modal ×