Bokhandlare, bibliotek StödE-bokSamhällsvetenskapMedia / KommunikationAllmänt, EncyklopedierJournalistikBokhandlare, bibliotekMedia StudiesKommunikationsvetenskapÖvrigt7 770 E-böcker i denna kategori Joyce Apsel & Amy Sodaro: Museums and Sites of Persuasion Museums and Sites of Persuasion examines the concept of museums and memory sites as locations that attempt to promote human rights, democracy and peace. Demonstrating that such sites have the potenti … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.56 Robin Maria (University of California, Merced, USA) DeLugan: Remembering Violence This volume examines the ways in which the violent legacies of the twentieth century continue to affect the concept of the nation. Through a study of three societies’ commemoration of notorious episo … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.34 Adele (Australian National University) Chynoweth: Museums and the Working Class Museums and the Working Class is the first book to take an intersectional and international approach to the issues of economic diversity and class within the field of museum studies. Bringing togethe … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.49 C. Karthik Chandran & Subrata Chowdhury: Machine Learning for Healthcare Systems The introduction of digital technology in the healthcare industry is marked by ongoing difficulties with implementation and use. Slow progress has been made in unifying different healthcare systems, … EPUB Adobe DRM €135.07 Joan (University of Southampton, UK) Tumblety: Memory and History How does the historian approach memory and how do historians use different sources to analyze how history and memory interact and impact on each other? Memory and History explores the different aspec … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.97 Mike (Brooklands College, UK) Tooley: Education for Library Cataloging Examine cataloging and classification training programs around the world Education for Library Cataloging: International Perspectives examines the global development of educational programs for catal … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.52 Fengshu (University of Oslo, Norway) Liu: Urban Youth in China: Modernity, the Internet and the Self Fengshu Liu situates the lives of Chinese youth and the growth of the Internet against the backdrop of rapid and profound social transformation in China. In 2008, the total of Internet users in China … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.55 Fiona (Deakin University, Australia) Starr: Corporate Responsibility for Cultural Heritage This book examines the relationship between two divergent fields – corporate activity and heritage conservation – linking the financing of conservation and its benefits with the corporate social resp … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.46 Maria de Bruyn: The Politics of Social Policy Change in Chile and Uruguay This work explains the causes of social policy reform in Chile and Uruguay in the areas of health care, pensions and education. Until the 1970s, Chile and Uruguay shared striking similarities. … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.89 Nick Merriman: Public Archaeology Scrutinizing, in detail, the relationship between archaeology, heritage and the public, this much-needed volume explores public interest and participation in archaeology as a subject worthy of academ … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.88 Nästa sida >>> 0 0 Kassa 0,00 × × × Ändra användarspråk × ArabiskaTyskaEngelskaSpanskaFranskaHindiIndonesiskaItalienskaMalajiskaHolländskaPutsaPortugisiskaRumänskaRyskaSvenskaThailändskaTurkiskaUkrainskavietnamesKinesiska International Modal ×