Författare: Charlie Kunkel

The coauthor Le Roy (Roy) Evans was born and raised in Central Minnesota and currently lives in Eastern North Carolina. He had the good fortune of marrying a Gohmann descendant in Minnesota. Twice retired—first from the United States Marine Corps and then from a not-for-profit corporation—his current interests include genealogy and computers. The coauthor Fr. Charlie Kunkel, OSC, was born and raised in Central Minnesota and lived in the Crosier Priory at Onamia, Minnesota, until his death October 12, 2014. His great-grandfather was one of the second-generation Gohman descendants featured in this book. In addition to his life and work as a Crosier and a priest, he enjoyed genealogical research and creative writing.

1 E-böcker av Charlie Kunkel

Roy Evans & Charlie Kunkel: Our Gohman Story
Some fifty years apart, two itinerant men wander into two adjacent German towns. Two of their descendants, a man and a woman, eventually meet and, after traveling nearly a fourth of the way around th …