Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. While it is true that there have been many good books published regarding the subject of valves and valve gears, it is, however, a regrettable fact that there is not a book on the market today treating the modern types from a strictly practical standpoint. In attempting to supply this deficiency, we...
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. While it is true that there have been many good books published regarding the subject of valves and valve gears, it is, however, a regrettable fact that there is not a book on the market today treating the modern types from a strictly practical standpoint. In attempting to supply this deficiency, we have assumed no knowledge on the part of the reader re garding the subject, and, as a result, have devoted considerable space to elementary, or fundamental princi ples, so as to enable the apprentice or student to travel the road from early to modern practice with ease. Naturally, some of this information cannot be expected to be of much interest to the experienced man, but the author believes that a statement of the general principles, so compact in form and simple in arrangement that all herein contained can be thoroughly mastered, and be come a part of the mental stock of the reader, will be interesting and profitable. In fact, the work is presented with no journalistic pretensions, but special care has been take to use plain, common sense language, so that it may be understood by anyone who can read the English language. But, in the final analysis, the work must speak for itself – its value must be measured bythe merit its use may develop, its faults could not be diminished nor excused by anything the author might here say. While special efforts have been made to use the utmost accuracy, it is almost impossible to prepare a work of this nature entirely free from error, but the book is presented with a realization of its imperfections. If the reader will kindly call the publishers’ attention to any errors, of omission or commission, he may find in the work, correction will be made in future editions, and the favor will be greatly appreciated.