“In this book, Chris says, ‘Your yes is what the Lord is patiently waiting for.’ I’m so thankful that Chris said yes when given the instruction to write this book, and I believe you, too, will be grateful for the YES as you read and receive revelation on the subject of restoring true identity … I encourage you to read this book; to hear the heartbeat of the Father on its pages; and in the end, allow Jesus to restore true identity in your very own life.”
— Dean Sikes, Founder, You Matter Dean Sikes Ministries
“In Restoring True Identity, Chris Brooks blends his transparent journey with powerful revelation and scriptural application to write a profound testimony of hope for those in the body of Christ who need encouragement and strength … This book will bring you hope!”
— Kevin Wallace, Senior Pastor, Redemption to the Nations, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Chris’s work in RESTORING TRUE IDENTITY is a blend of personal testimony and Biblical definitions that highlight the Christian experience. It’s relaxed but at the same time cuts into Christian purpose precisely… I highly recommend this work because there is excitement, setbacks, challenges, and victories x-rayed through the Word of God.
— Michael Lindon
Restoring True Identity asks you to consider the questions:
Do you struggle with doubt?
Is deeper faith something you desire?
What does it look like to be the church?
Are you struggling with the shame of denying Jesus?
Do you desperately need to feel the fresh wind of the spirit?
What does it mean to be a disciple?
Insightful and spiritually empowering, this guide will help you add fuel to the fire in your pursuit of Jesus.
Om författaren
Chris Brooks is the founder of Chris Brooks Ministries and has been a full-time evangelist since 2017. Prior to that, he served more than fifteen years as a family and student pastor. He travels the country developing a culture of revival at each assignment, using multiple platforms to reach the world. Brooks lives in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area with his wife, Davi, and their daughter.