Bob is an endearing spirit guide from the second dimension. He explains, in his own colorful way, what life is like in the spiritual realities. He also chronicles the very personal relationship a spirit guide and asoul share through the eons of incarnation.
In this, his first autobiographical book, he reveals:
•How new spirits are created
•Why the Earth and nature are sacred
•The types of nature spirits
•How spirit guides are trained
•The principles of karma and reincarnation
•How solar systems are created
•How nature spirits assist living entities
•How to live a more reverent life
These heart-warming and entertaining stories are full of practical advice that gives the reader a spiritual compass to navigate life in the best possible way. The Notes from the Second Dimension describes the reality of a magical world that exists beyond our senses.
Page Section
1 Creation of New Souls
12 How New Spirits are Created
26 An Army of Light Bearers
33 Tending to the Sparkles
39 Sparkle School
41 Bob as Guest Speaker
45 Blending With Trees and Rocks
50 From Theory to Practice
58 The Determination Ceremony
64 Spiritual Lemonade
67 Bob’s Students Study Remote Teaching
72 Teaching Tom
82 Sunshine and Clouds for the Sparkles
85 Guinea Pigs at the 4-H Farm
88 Tom leaves for the Water World
95 Sparkles go to Camp
98 The Greenhouse Planet and 4-H Farm
105 From a Sparkle to a Star
106 Bob Reads from my Journal
111 Our Original Solar System
118 Bob Begins his Travels
136 Traveling through the Fish Tanks
139 Lonely Work
143 Bob’s Individual is Removed
145 Self-Study is a Virtue
153 The Individual and Evolution
157 Bob Practices to Blend with Christine
159 Ophelia’s Big, Big Harp
162 Bob, the Professor in his Study
166 Bob Ponders his Education
169 Bob Stands before the Council
178 Building A Solar System
179 A Drawer in the Lab
184 Cores of Stars and Planets
190 Cause and Effect
201 Moons are Different
209 Isaac, the Gravity King
214 Side Effects in the Drawer
219 Atmosphere is Operating Correctly
224 Bob is shown my First Project
227 Solar System as Chakras
233 Why were there Three in a Row?
236 A Division of Labor
244 Uranus in Resonance with Sun
250 Bob Gets to Choose a Location
254 Bubble Training Begins
260 Spin Like a Dryer?
265 Into the Oven
267 Bob Travels to View His Solar System
273 Ophelia’s Special Plant
276 The Sun is a Jukebox
280 Bob gets a Suitcase of Elements
284 Alone with the Suitcase
289 Playing the Master Mind
292 The Melody in the Boxes
294 A Healthy Sleep, or Dead?
300 The Moon People
305 More Self-Study in Lab
307 Moons Resonate with Water
311 Let’s go Visit the Evolution Group
316 Advancements and Rewards
316 Siah’s Planet, Etena
324 Jungle Bob
329 Advanced Bubble Training
332 Shrink-Fitting the Bubble
337 Jeshua Lectures on Traveling
341 Traveling to Siah’s World
347 Return to Siah
353 Bob Joins the Council
361 Ole, the Wise Listener
368 Training for Earth
369 Guiding and Guarding the Soul
372 Gloriously Colorful
376 Shooting off Balls of Knowledge
381 Working with Fossils
384 What is the End Result?
391 Gergen Makes Himself Known
397 Ia Tells Secrets about the Planet
404 Bob Brings a Bag of Notes
413 Bob Becomes Tom’s Mentor
415 Gergen says to Appreciate the Small Things
418 Three Small Elahims Looking In
428 Let the Interviews Begin
435 Training Camp for Guides
440 Bob Brings a Catalogue to Zachariah
449 Where Did They Go?
460 Training Camp is a Great Success
464 King Henry VIII Rides Again
473 Robin Hood Teaches the Rich
482 About the Authors