The spiritual entities whose words fill the pages of our books belong to various groups, councils, or realms that are deeply involved in the evolution of life on Earth. Wave 2 is a continuation of topics introduced in Wave 1, but focuses on soul development and ancient history. With great clarity and patience, they describe:
• The intricacies of reincarnation
• How to master the mental and emotional layers
• The Coat of Karma and life purposes
• Lost knowledge of the Anunnaki
• The evolutionary history of humans
• Alien visitors and civilizations
• How religion and science trap the mind
• The energetic grids of Earth and beyond
• Life in the spirit realms
• The fundamentals of creation
• Nature spirits
These captivating dialogues challenge the very foundations of the religious and scientific beliefs that define our reality, taking the reader on a powerful journey into the mysteries man has sought to understand since the beginning of time!
Page Section
1No Ending in Learning
4Our Spirit Team
15Alpha and Omega for the Soul
21A Room Full of Spirits
34The Fundamental Truths
45A Team Effort with our Spirit Friends
51How Bob and I met
59The Wheel of Creation
64What’s Beyond Beyond?
72Science chases Circular Reasoning
89Destination, Earth
90Lost Memories from the 2nd Civilizations
99Elahims Traveled Here
114Movement, not Time
124Puzzle Pieces
128Bob describes the Wheel of Creation
142Clouds in Front of the Sun
149Teaching Sparkles on the 2nd Dimension
159We all Carry Light
164The Knots of Learning
169The Creator’s Plan
177Loneliness, Pets, and Connections to Soul
183Finding Balance Within
191Self-Worth in Age of Superficial Values
197The Bottle is not Half-Full
201The Heartbeat of the Soul
207Balancing Father and Mother Energy
213Spirits on a Secret Mission
224Ophelia talks about Groups
234Ophelia talks of the Power Within
239Food and the Energetic Body
241Color Maps and Soul Vibration
251Songs from the Energetic Web
256We are all Students and Teachers
261No Time for Spirit
269Spiritual Traveling without Form
272Advice on Out-of-Body Traveling
279Colors of the Soul
284Thoughts Along the Path
285Emotional and Mental Aspects of Soul
299Crossroads of Religion and Spirituality
306Pre-History, not Found in Textbooks
309Pseudepigraphic Origins of Religion
313How Spirits View Religion
317Group Consciousness
323When does Life Begin?
325Lost Knowledge of the Anunnaki
343Elahims at Home and Out Traveling
369How Spirits Tap into Realities
371Zachariah describes Ascension
376Ari Explains the Layers
388The Stone Cones for Storing Energy
389After the Fall of the Second Civilization
398The Meaning of Life?
403Anunnaki and Ancient History
413Where Did you say Atlantis was Located?
425Silent Noise
433Webs and Ley Lines
435Nature does not Sound like a Freeway
439Final Thoughts
450About the Authors