Christopher Gates inspires youth to be creative, intuitive, insightful thinkers by empowering them to have high expectations for success. With over a decade in the field of education, from Kindergarten through 12th grades, Gates has received numerous local, state, and national awards in recognition for his contributions to schools, communities, and the profession. Gates is a Certified Social + Emotional Intelligence Coach, also holding a Cert. in School Leadership for Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Character Development (CD), and School Culture and Climate (SCC).
4 E-böcker av Christopher Gates
Christopher Gates: Unwind. Up, Up, and Away!
You have more power than you think! In this captivating story, six-year-old Alyssa finds it hard to cope with her emotions. In her head, they appear like scary monsters, their strength overwhelming h …
Christopher Gates & Jason Smith: Medical Device Cybersecurity for Engineers and Manufacturers
Cybersecurity for medical devices is no longer optional. We must not allow sensationalism or headlines to drive the discussion… Nevertheless, we must proceed with urgency. In the end, this is about …
Christopher Gates & Jason Smith: Medical Device Cybersecurity for Engineers and Manufacturers, Second Edition
Medical Device Cybersecurity for Engineers and Manufacturers, Second Edition removes the mystery from cybersecurity engineering and regulatory processes and practices, showing medical device manufact …