Författare: Claude Maisonnat

Claude Maisonnat is emeritus professor at University Lumière Lyon-2 (France), where he taught contemporary literature. A Conrad scholar, he has published extensively on that author. He is also specialized in the short-story and is currently editing a collection of essays on John McGahern.Annie Ramel is emeritus professor at University Lumière Lyon-2 (France), where she taught Victorian and contemporary literature. A Thomas Hardy scholar, she has published extensively on that author. She has also published a book on Great Expectations (Great Expectations, Le Père ou le pire), as well as articles on Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Oscar Wilde. Josiane Paccaud-Huguet is professor of Modern English literature and literary theory at Université Lumière-Lyon 2. Her latest publications include a chapter, « Psychoanalysis after Freud », in Patricia Waugh”s Literary Theory and Criticism, An Oxford Guide (2006). She has edited a volume on the critical reception of Conrad in France (Conrad in France, Columbia University Press, 2008). She is currently working on a book on the modernist ”Moment of Vision”.

3 E-böcker av Claude Maisonnat

Claude Maisonnat & Josiane Paccaud-Huguet: Rewriting/Reprising in Literature
This volumes includes a series of 17 selected essays, preceded by a methodological introduction, whose purpose is to offer a fresh outlook on the question of rewriting-reprising. The argument, taking …
Claude Maisonnat & Josyane Paccaud: Cahier de L”Herne N°109 : Joseph Conrad
Ce Cahier dédié à Joseph Conrad se compose de textes d’origines et de longueur très diverses. Nous avons sollicité la plume d’une vingtaine de spécialistes internationaux parmi les plus reconnus, don …
Joseph Conrad: Au cœur des ténèbres
Au cœur des ténèbres, la nouvelle la plus célèbre de Conrad, est le récit d’une descente aux enfers. Officier de la marine marchande britannique, le jeune capitaine Marlow part à la recherche de Kurt …