Författare: Colette Daiute

Colette Daiute, Professor of Psychology at the Graduate Center, City University and teaches courses on theory, research, and methods in the human sciences. She has conducted research in diverse settings, including community centers, educational institutions, human rights organizations, television and computer technology environments, and informal community gatherings. The author of Human Development and Political Violence (Cambridge University Press), Narrative Inquiry: A Dynamic Approach (SAGE) and co-editor/author of International Perspectives on Youth Conflict and Development (Oxford University Press), and Narrative Analysis: Studying the Development of Individuals in Society (SAGE), Colette Daiute has published articles in a range of scholarly journals, including Global Studies Journal, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Narrative Inquiry, and Journal of Social Issues. In addition to teaching courses such as “Narrative Inquiry” and “Human Development and Globalization, ” she is Co-Director of the “Narrating Change” Seminar of the Center of the Humanities at the Graduate Center, CUNY. http://www.colettedaiute.org      

5 E-böcker av Colette Daiute

Colette Daiute: Narrative Inquiry
Narrative Inquiry provides both a new theoretical orientation and a set of practical techniques that students and experienced researchers can use to conduct narrative research. Explaining the princip …
Zeynep F. Beykont & Colette Daiute: International Perspectives on Youth Conflict and Development
The volume aims to shift the foundation of youth conflict study from the more typical focus on maturation, behavior, and personality to a characterization of youth as participants in society. It also …
Colette (City University of New York) Daiute: Narrative Inquiry : A Dynamic Approach
Narrative Inquiry provides both a new theoretical orientation and a set of practical techniques that students and experienced researchers can use to conduct narrative research. Explaining the princip …