Författare: Crawley) Day David V. (University of Western Australia


3 E-böcker av Crawley) Day David V. (University of Western Australia

David V. Day & Stanley M. Halpin: An Integrative Approach to Leader Development
This book is a beginning, a first step, in taking leader development in organizations beyond conventional wisdom toward a scientifically sound research-based set of principles and practices. The auth …
David V. Day & Stanley M. Halpin: An Integrative Approach to Leader Development
This book is a beginning, a first step, in taking leader development in organizations beyond conventional wisdom toward a scientifically sound research-based set of principles and practices. The auth …
David V. (University of Western Australia, Crawley) Day & Stanley M. Halpin: Leader Development for Transforming Organizations
This book examines numerous topic areas that are considered to be especially relevant for making a strategic leader development investment. The topics covered are areas that have theoretical and empi …