The book applies a model of municipal policing to compare a number of police systems in the European Union suggesting that in the future local communities will have some form of police enforcement mechanism that will not always include the sworn police officer.
List of Figures and Tables Series Preface Acknowledgements List of Abbreviations Table of Statutes PART I: INTRODUCTION Preamble Municipal Policing Defined Research Method Model Components In the Future PART II: A BRIEF HISTORY European Union EU Police History Policing in Troubled Times Policing the Municipal PART III: MUNICIPAL POLICING IN THE EU Municipal Policing Municipal Policing in the UK Contrary View of Municipal Policing PART IV: COMMUNITY POLICING IN THE EU Defining Community Policing Community Policing in Established Democracies Community Policing in Times of Austerity Community Policing in Para-military Environments Community Policing and Terrorism Community Policing in Eastern Europe Strategic Community Policing PART V: CIVILIANISATION, PRIVATE SECURITY AND AUXILIARIES IN THE EU Civilianising the Police Civilianisation of Policing Private Security Services Auxiliaries and Wardens Special Constabulary and Volunteers PART VI: SURVEILLANCE IN THE EU Privacy CCTV in the EU DNAFingerprints Crime Information Migrant Surveillance PART VII: POLICE GOVERNANCE IN THE EU Police Governance New Accountabilities Role of Mayor Police Complaints PART VIII: POLICE AND POLITICS IN THE EU Politics in the EU Police and Politics Democratic Policing Local Government Civil Society Migration in the EU Central Eastern European PART IX: FUTURE OF MUNICIPAL POLICING IN THE EU Bibiliography Index
Om författaren
DANIEL DONNELLY is a Retired Senior Police Officer and Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Criminal Justice and Police Studies, University of the West of Scotland, Hamilton Campus, UK. He is the author of Municipal Policing in Scotland (2008) and co-editor/author of Policing Scotland (2005, Second Edition 2010).