Författare: Daniel Heltzel

Christian is lawyer and partner of the Cologne media law firm Wilde Beuger Solmecker. He specializes in consulting for the Internet and IT industry. He is in charge of numerous media professionals, Web 2.0 platforms and app developers.

2 E-böcker av Daniel Heltzel

Don Spampinato Scot Carlson & Monika Smith: Business Purpose Design – English Version 2019
Business Purpose Design is an essential guide for a human-centric and holistic purpose for businesses.Discontinuity, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity are driving forces of our world. Entire …
Dr. Maren Beverung & Dr. Shermin  Voshmgir: Business Purpose Design
Purpose für Unternehmen und Projekte. Das Business Purpose Design ist ein Leitmodell, das durch eine ganzheitliche Betrachtungsweise einen Orientierungsrahmen für Organisationen, Führungskräfte …