MONDAYS don’t have to SUCK is for anyone who has all the markers of a successful life but is not truly happy. How can you tell? You probably hate Mondays, too! That’s why you picked up this book, right?
Dave Walker had a successful career, perfect marriage, perfect family, perfect house – his life was on track. Despite these outward signs of success, his “Comfort Zone” was quickly becoming his “Nasty Zone”. He was obese, clinically depressed, and sinking ever deeper into an alcohol dependency that was destroying his life.
He was paralyzed by the fear of change – any change.
Then one day he looked in the mirror and realized that he was one heart attack away from the end of his life. That’s when he made the decision to stick around for the most important thing in his life – his children.
Dave shares how he crawled out of his “Nasty Zone” to reinvent himself and build a healthy, vibrant life. He generously provides plenty of practical ideas to help you make change EASYer, while honouring your progress, and not perfection, to create a happier life.
Dave helps you build a bridge from your “Nasty Zone” to a future that gives you purpose, hope and previously-unimaginable joy.
PART 1 - Setting the Stage
Chapter 1: A Life-Altering Transformation 3
Chapter 2: “OLD Dave” One Monday, Fall 2009 13
Chapter 3: “NEWer Dave” Monday, December 11, 2017 21
Chapter 4: The BEFORE and AFTER Metrics 29
Chapter 5: My Imperative for Changing My Epitaph 39
Chapter 6: Contemplating a Change to Your Epitaph? 47
PART 2 - My First Half: Captain Comfort Zone (1965-2008)
Chapter 7: My Search for Success 53
Chapter 8: The Making of Captain Comfort Zone 63
PART 3 - A Period of Pain in the Nasty Zone (2009-2013)
Chapter 9: Storm Clouds on the Horizon 75
Chapter 10: Hitting the Wall and Getting Stuck 85
Chapter 11: Finding My Fit and a Bit of Self-Confidence 95
Chapter 12: Another Shoe Falls 105
Chapter 13: Grabbing the Oxygen Mask! 115
PART 4 - Finding the Real Me (2013-2016)
Chapter 14: Finding My FIT-ness Routine 123
Chapter 15: Maintaining My Momentum 133
Chapter 16: Finding My Calling 143
Chapter 17: Firming up My Foundation 153
Chapter 18: Finding the Authentic Me 163
Chapter 19: Finding My Mojo 173
Chapter 20: Having Fun along the Way! 183
Chapter 21: Finding My Heart and My Soul 191
Chapter 22: Finding My Soulmate 201
Chapter 23: Trying Really Hard to Maintain My Balance 213
PART 5 - Captain Courageous (2017-R.I.P.)
Chapter 24: The Start of My Second Half. Not quite. 223
Chapter 25: Keeping My Courage 233
PART 6 - Thinking of Making a Change to Your Story?
Chapter 26: My Top Three Lessons Learned 243
Chapter 27: My Top 10 Change Enablers 251
PART 7 - Out with the Old and In with the NEWer You!
Chapter 28: WHO do you see in the mirror? 269
Resources 277
Endnotes 282