This book is written for my sons and is a patchwork of my thoughts, prayers, journal entries, and emails. These emails, etc. were written to family, friends, and the youth group students I have had the privilege of getting to know and love for the past 25 years. Some of the questions I get are about creation/evolution, the deity of Christ, the end times as well as personal issues such as sexual purity, and how to live a holy life. Part of the book is also about the journey God has brought me through in my personal life. My hope is that however God uses this book, that it pleases and glorifies Him.
Om författaren
Dave Henderson lives with his ex-wife Cyndi and their sons, Jordan, Noah, and Joshua in Minneapolis, MN. He taught students with emotional and behavioral disorders in a public high school for 22 years. He attended Plymouth Bible Chapel for 25 years and Wayzata Free Church for 22 years where he was a volunteer youth leader all 22 years. Dave enjoys reading absolutely everything dealing with history, the Bible and spiritual issues. Dave also enjoys talking with anyone and everyone about his Lord and Savior