David Perry MD, PLD, FRCPEdin, FRCPath, is Consultant in Haemostasis, Thrombosis and General Haematology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK, an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Cambridge, and Co-Director of the Haemophilia Comprehensive Care Centre. Prior to joining the staff at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, he was Senior Lecturer in Haemostasis and Thrombosis at the Royal Free and University College Medical School (Royal Free Campus), London, UK. His interests include the molecular genetics of haemostasis and thrombosis, the rare inherited bleeding disorders and the management of patients with venous thromboembolic disease, particularly in relation to pregnancy. He has published widely in the area of haemostasis and thrombosis. He is a member of the British Committee for Standards in Haematology Task Force on Haemostasis & Thrombosis, a member of the steering group for UK National External Quality Assessment Service (Blood Coagulation) and chairs the Specialist Advisory Group for Haemophilia Molecular Genetics for UK National External Quality Assessment Service. His other interests include medical education – he is examiner for the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh and the Royal College of Pathologists and is the current lead physician for pathology education at Addenbrooke’s Hospital.
David Warwick MD, FRCS, FRCS(Orth), is Reader in Orthopaedic Surgery at Southampton University Hospitals, UK. He has been researching orthopaedic thromboembolism since 1991. This work led to a Hunterian Professorship at the Royal College of Surgeons and a doctorate from the University of Bristol. He has published 19 papers on thromboembolism in peer-reviewed journals, has written several invited articles and has presented at many national and international meetings. He is a co-author of the THRIFT guidelines (1998), and the International Consensus Statement (2001, 2006). He was Chairman of the International Surgical Thrombosis Forum Guidelines Group. He reviews papers on orthopaedic thrombosis for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery and is co-author of the latest edition of Apley’s System of Orthopaedics. He lectures regularly on orthopaedic thromboembolism in Britain and abroad. He has been an Invited Instructor at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and a Witness to the UK Parliamentary Enquiry into Thromboembolism. He presently sits on the National Institute for Clinical Excellence Orthopaedic VTE Guidelines Development Group.
David Gozzard FRCP, FRCPath, MBA is Consultant Haematologist and former Medical Director at the North Wales NHS trust in North Wales. He has a career-long interest in coagulation and has been actively involved in thromboprophylaxis strategies around indwelling long-line catheters in the on-site North Wales Cancer Treatment Centre. He was the clinical executive lead for the Safer Patient Initiative, a UK collaboration with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Boston, USA, and the Health Foundation. Under his clinical leadership the trust has gained a significant reputation in the field of patient safety. As Medical Director, he is actively involved in modernisation as the executive lead and has developed considerable experience in clinical leadership, change management and policy implementation in the clinical professions. In 2007 he was successful in obtaining a fellowship award from the Health Foundation to allow him to study with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in Boston for 12 months.
8 E-böcker av David Warwick
David Gozzard & David Warwick: Handbook of Thromboprophylaxis
Written by a team of world-leading experts in the field, who have published extensively For primary care physicians, haematologists, surgeons and other healthcare professionals with an interest in th …
David Perry & David Warwick: Handbook of Thromboprophylaxis
This third edition expands upon the role of anticoagulants in clinical practice. In addition, it summarizes new developments in the field and provides evidence-based guidelines for the use of anticoa …
Ashley Blom & David Warwick: Apley & Solomon’s System of Orthopaedics and Trauma
Now in its Tenth Edition and in continuous publication since 1959, Apley & Solomon’s System of Orthopaedics and Trauma is one of the world’s leading textbooks of orthopaedic surgery. Relied upon by g …
Ashley Blom & David Warwick: Apley & Solomon’s System of Orthopaedics and Trauma
Now in its Tenth Edition and in continuous publication since 1959, Apley & Solomon’s System of Orthopaedics and Trauma is one of the world’s leading textbooks of orthopaedic surgery. Relied upon by g …
Roderick Dunn & David Warwick: Hand Surgery
Fully revised and updated, the second edition of Hand Surgery has been broadened to reflect the diverse nature of the speciality, providing more detail on hand therapy and alternatives to hand surger …
Roderick Dunn & David Warwick: Hand Surgery
Fully revised and updated, the second edition of Hand Surgery has been broadened to reflect the diverse nature of the speciality, providing more detail on hand therapy and alternatives to hand surger …
Ashley Blom & David Warwick: Apley and Solomon’s Concise System of Orthopaedics and Trauma
Apley & Solomon’s Concise System of Orthopaedics and Trauma is firmly established as the leading introductory textbook of orthopaedic practice and the principles of fracture and trauma management. Pr …
Ashley Blom & David Warwick: Apley and Solomon’s Concise System of Orthopaedics and Trauma
Apley & Solomon’s Concise System of Orthopaedics and Trauma is firmly established as the leading introductory textbook of orthopaedic practice and the principles of fracture and trauma management. Pr …