The young protagonists of this story are told by their families that from now on everybody will have to wear a protective mask, and that they will be asked to keep their distance from each other. As the masks are purchased and delivered, the young people set out to the ice-cream shop, each one accompanied by a parent. They are amused to see adults wearing funny hats as a reminder of this new rule. However, social distancing and masks will not turn their spirit off and their enthusiasm is further reinforced by seeing and waiving at each other as they queue up. Once everyone has walked into the shop in turn, and bought their ice cream, they all go back to their respective homes to enjoy their gelato.
Om författaren
Deana Sobel Lederman is a cartoonist and illustrator who lives in San Diego, California with her husband and two young sons. She is the author of Rainbows, Masks and Ice Cream, a series of three stories for children about the COVID-19 pandemic, and the webcomic Philip the Sea Lion. Her work has appeared in Business Insider, Barron’s, The Hairpin, the Brooklyn Public Library, Gallery New World Stages in Manhattan, or the New York City Department of Education’s publications. As an undergraduate at UC Berkeley, Deana was the staff editorial cartoonist for The Daily Californian. She earned national recognition for her editorial cartoons and was a finalist for both the John Locher Memorial Award and the Society of Professional Journalism Mark of Excellence Awards. Her comic strip, Roomies, based on the lives of Deana and her six college roommates, was a finalist for MTV U’s Strips contest. In 2008, she received a JD from UC Berkeley School of Law, where she concentrated in copyright and patent law.